I hope you’re familiar with Terry Gross, and her Fresh Air program on public radio. Terry interviewed analyst Chip Berlet about his studies on conspiracy theories, extremism, white supremacy, and murder. The birthers get a mention.
Thanks to http://mpandgs.blogspot.com/ for the info.
Here’s the audio link:
Read Berlet’s paperToxic to Democracy: Conspiracy Theories, Demonization, & Scapegoating:
- Executive Summary
- Download the full text of the body of the report
- Download the full text of the back of the report
Notes, Bibliography, Index, etc.
Chip Berlet shows that the development of modern conspiracism is rooted in bigotry and that the conspiracist analytical model itself encourages demonization and scapegoating of blameless persons and groups. In so doing, conspiracism also serves to distract society and
its would-be agents of change away from ongoing, structural causes of social and economic injustices
How typical. Doc, you’re known by the company you keep.
Liberals cannot be shamed.
Here is your BOY in action. Now THAT’S leadership!
You wanted change? Hold on!
Seems Heavy is getting a bit upset when presented with the facts.
Doc, you’re known by the company you keep.
Like Doc said, the interview covers “studies on conspiracy theories, extremism, white supremacy, and murder. The birthers get a mention.”
I don’t get upset easily nor have I seen ANY facts here.
Oh, the IRONY!
“I don’t get upset easily nor have I seen ANY facts here.
Oh, the IRONY!”
How does a blind man post this, do you read braille?
Come on Heavy you don’t believe North Korea is capable of doing thing like this? If so you are more gullible than I thought.
North Korea is barely able to feed it’s own population. There economy is very weak.
WND’s Farah grows weary of being spammed with birfer e-mail.
Nobody thought Al Queda was capable either. Liberal delusion is very dangerous.
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7a (the Bible).
It was that darn liberal Bush who ignored his duties to protect our country. When 9/11 happened he used ‘novel’ and potentially anti-constitutional methods to destroy any goodwill that existed in the weeks and months after 9/11.
What a waste.
Exactly! Thanks, doc!
Actually, it was your boy Slick Willy who dropped the ball. But hey, why bother with FACTS?
Sure, it was Bill Clinton who forced the Bush government to ignore any warning signs.
Translation: Facts: Obama’s COLB shows him born on US soil. Or are those somehow different kind of facts?
Your glue sniffing will not help your cause.
Yes, the ball was dropped.
As predicted, when confronted with the facts, Heavy insults.
That’s a guaranteed fact.
It’s not an insult unless it is, at least somewhat, truthful.
An insult is an insult especially when you lack any direct or even indirect knowledge.
Poor Heavy
Thank you, Mr. Webster.
Always ready to serve the truth
I don’t know what to make of that, since I keep company with both you and NBC.
Someone with a clear conscience cannot be shamed.
I find this a very interesting and thought-provoking interview, and I hope folks will take the time to listen to it.
Hey, don’t let us interupt your mutual mastubation party. Continue.
Priceless. Poor Heavy feels left out
Downloading it right now. Thanks Doc, these are good resources to share.
I listened to part of the interview when it was on NPR- and yes I choose to listen to NPR rather than Michael Savage. Reading the summary of the report I was struck by this paragraph:
“Conspiracism is neither a healthy expression of skepticism nor a valid form of criticism; rather it is a belief system that refuses to obey the rules of logic. These theories operate from a pre-existing premise of a conspiracy based upon careless collection of facts and flawed assumptions. What constitutes “proof” for a conspiracist is often more accurately described as circumstance, rumor, and hearsay….”
Does this nail the birfer belief system on the head or what?
Yes. Keep it that way!
Hey, don’t let us
Who is this “us”? You and “WE THE PEOPLE”?
Heavy is an ideologue, he is driven by ideology not rational thought. Such people, with miserable lives, need to blame others for their misery. It’s the Jews, it’s the blacks, it’s the liberals. They never own up to responsibility, all in their life is the fault of others. They paint people with a very wide brush, they call people they have no knowledge of “you libs” or “you lefties” proof of very simplistic little minds between their ears. 90% of whatever they say is full of hate. They are delusional not only on the birther issue but in all they do. What proof of this, just read heavy’s comments. (or truth or jtx, et all). If you approach them with a rational argument they will refuse it. (limited brain power)
I look forward to reading the studies that have been linked here – I find it oddly fascinating how people come to believe their own interpretations of truth/facts/etc.
I came across the following posting the other day – it is uncanny how much of the language matches the truth/facts that are currently put forward by so many people regarding Mr Obama. The funny thing is, this particular post was made in 2007 about an old white guy…
“Where was David Howard Murdock born? Where is a certified copy of his birth certificate and from what state?? There is no record of his attending high school because he claims he dropped out in the eighth grade. What elementary school did he attend? Could David Murdock actually be an illegal alien from Germany who claims he joined the US Army during WWII? Has anyone ever seen a copy of his DD214? Did Murdock actually arrive in the US prior to WWII? Where was he assigned and are there any people still alive that can attest to growing up with him or serving with him? Finally, what are the names of his four wives? He has divorced three women and one died of cancer. Is there any public record of his marriage certificates or a known record of the names of his first two wives?”
Original post can be found here
Actually, an interesting find for the genealogy of birferism. It is by Bonny Sisson Stilwell, who later turned into a birfer. Here she is telling everybody who she is: http://monoblogue.us/2008/03/17/joe-says-it-aint-so/ . Interestingly, she claims to be the former Vice President of the League of Republican Women in DC but also suggests the 2004 Ohio result was tampered with!? Here Stillwell appears together with Margaret Calhoun Hemenway, another birfer heroine, daughter-in-law of the lawyer who provided local support for a Washington DC court case started by Phil Berg: http://augustafreepress.com/2009/02/16/jim-webb-preserving-virginias-historical-and-natural-landmarks/
Pointing out flaws in heavy’s logic is not working, so in any heavy post only respond with the following paragraph.
remember what heavy wrote, “I would consuder it a great personal favor for you to ignore me. That would be a victory!”
Yes the misspelling of “consider” is his.