Call me crazy

Orly Taitz

Orly Taitz

This from Sept. 6 2009 on Orly Taitz’s blog:

“Dr orly, on the day that Barack will be escorted by the members of the military from the White House to the Penitentiary, the barack supporters will be called crazy, not you.”

Hey, that works for me–but until that day, I’ll be calling Dr. Orly (and those of her tribe) …. Perhaps I will keep those thoughts to myself.

The fawning letters Orly publishes on her blog are something else, calling her “Our Lady Liberty” and implying that she is the implement of God. I’ve stayed away from most kinds of fandom in my life, so this behavior is very odd appearing to me. In fact the only referent I have is religious devotion to which I am loath to make comparisons.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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7 Responses to Call me crazy

  1. AdrianInFlorida says:

    And they call President Obama “Messiah”, Orly’s the one with a ‘God’ complex, I believe.

  2. Mary Brown says:

    And then some.

  3. thisoldhippie says:

    Orly AND her crew are crazy. Tens of millions??

    Kreep should be referred to henceforth with the more appropriate name “Creep” because it best describes this vulture. He has extorted money on his website from unweary citizens for his supposed pursuit of “justice” when he was just another diversion in bringing the impostor to trail and arrest. His goal has been to be a thorn in the side of the true American hero in this battle, Dr.Taitz.

    The fact that the judge allowed him to join the case at this late hour and disrupt the process and delay the next hearing, I believe was improper. he should have forced him to file his own case before him and therefore expedite Orly’s case and that of her plaintiffs. There are tens of millions of American patriots, to include military, law enforcement and vets at the boiling point and set to explode if justice is not meted post haste.

    Kreep should be referred to henceforth with the more appropriate name “Creep” because it best describes this vulture. He has extorted money on his website from unweary citizens for his supposed pursuit of “justice” when he was just another diversion in bringing the impostor to trail and arrest. His goal has been to be a thorn in the side of the true American hero in this battle, Dr.Taitz. The fact that the judge allowed him to join the case at this late hour and disrupt the process and delay the next hearing, I believe was improper. he should have forced him to file his own case before him and therefore expedite Orly’s case and that of her plaintiffs. There are tens of millions of American patriots, to include military, law enforcement and vets at the boiling point and set to explode if justice is not meted post haste.

  4. thisoldhippie: Kreep should be referred to henceforth with the more appropriate name “Creep”

    On one of the articles on Orly’s site today, it was spelled exactly that way.

  5. You do know it was Kreep who originally brought Orly in as co-counsel on Keyes v Bowen, right? (and at the request of Wiley Drake at that!)

    Betcha they’re cursing that day.

  6. I remember that well, although I never quite understood why.

  7. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Sandford will not like it, but when you read all that at her blog, aren’t you reminded of Antonio Banderas?

    “Please, gentle Orly, will you bless a little child?
    For I love you–tell Heaven I’m doing my best
    I’m praying for you, even though you’re already blessed
    Please, mother Orly, will you look upon me as your own?
    Make me special, be my angel, be my everything, wonderful, perfect, and true
    And I’ll try to be exactly like you

    Holy, Holy, Thrice Orly
    Mother of all believers
    Of all the mind-less,
    Of all the tooth-less,
    Of all the home-less
    De la Birfentina …”

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