Peace on earth to people of good will

Who would have thought that I would be spending a second Christmas eve with a still-active Obama Conspiracy Theories blog, every day bringing amazing new variations in human thought patterns?

I give my thanks for Mrs. Hurst, my high school English teacher, who taught us not only about the techniques of propaganda, but how they are tied to morality. (Both her lessons are sadly lacking in this blog’s subject matter.) And I am thankful to Mr. Savage, my Civics teacher who probably didn’t talk about presidential eligibility, but taught exactly how much money it took buy votes in my county and taught me patience, that if I didn’t like the trends in politics, I had but to wait for them to swing back the other way, another lesson I see too little heed of.

And I thank my visitors, and wish you all a happy whatever. Enjoy the growing light. Share the peace.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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14 Responses to Peace on earth to people of good will

  1. Estiveo says:

    Back atcha, Doc C.

  2. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear Doc,

    A thousand thanks to you for all of your labor here!

    Benji Franklin

  3. Orly's Taint says:

    I, too, wish peace and joy upon all people of good will.

    Birthers, on the other hand, can [Expletive deleted, Dr. C] off.

  4. Lupin says:

    A Joyeux Noel and Bonne Année to all!

  5. Mary Brown says:

    Have a blessed and wonderful day everyone.

  6. SFJeff says:

    Thanks for this website. A year ago I and my family were giddy over the election of a well spoken, and well educated and thoughtful exciting new President. The hard work is less exciting but I still feel pretty good.

  7. aarrgghh says:

    i have a feeling this site will be around at least until jan 20 2017 …

    and it will be needed every day til then!

  8. myson says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone

  9. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Well, it isn’t Christmas for most of my family yet, but still “All of you have a Merry Happy Christmas”.

    And heartful thanks to Doc for this website. Hope it will remain a beacon for truth – but if possible, without too many new articles…

  10. misha says:

    I want to add my appreciation to DrC for starting and maintaining this site, without remuneration.

    Meanwhile, I’m celebrating our Pennzoil moment. Although, I don’t think the original menorah used Pennzoil. Probably Moishe’s Oil – Guranteed To Light Your Fire.™

  11. thebabbster says:

    Great site, Doc! Merry Christmas!

  12. Black Lion says:

    Great site…Happy Holidays to all….And I feel we will be here next year and the year after also…Somehow I don’t think the birthers are going anywhere…

  13. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear Black Lion,

    Thanks for your persistent and valuable contributions here, and Happy Holidays to you also!

    Benji Franklin

  14. And so indeed it was.

    aarrgghh: i have a feeling this site will be around at least until jan 20 2017 …

    and it will be needed every day til then!

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