Who is Kweli Shuhubia?

The following article was written probably some time around the end of 2012. For some unknown reason, it wasn’t published. It’s possible that it wasn’t published because Loren Collins made observations in the same area that I did, and did a better job of it. In any case, I add the following to the Lost Articles collection.

Since this article was published yesterday a commenter pointed out that there is an actual person named Kweli Shuhubia in Kenya who is an associate of Ron McRae. Here is a photo of McRae in Kenya with another Kenyan associate, Brother Daniel:

McRae in his own affidavit calls the him the Reverend Kweli Shuhudia (note the difference in spelling), and explains, “actual name temporarily withheld to protect his life. No less than Jerome Corsi himself has said at WND that “Kweli Shuhubia” is a pseudonym:

A second affidavit was sworn by Kenyan Anabaptist minister Rev. Kweli Shuhubia, a pseudonym chosen to protect his safety.

Loren pointed out in his comment at The Free Republic in 2010 that “nowhere does the ‘affidavit’ [Shuhubia’s] mention that the affiant’s name is a pseudonym.” That leaves us in a quandary as to whether it is a pseudonym or an eponym or just fouled up. So I may re-frame my titular question as: “Who is the author of Kweli Shuhubia’s affidavit”? And with that amendment, I resume the old article…

The Second Amended Complaint in the case of Berg v. Obama et al (2008) contained the curious affidavit of one, Kweli Shuhubia. The affidavit claims that Shuhubia is an African minister who was present during a transatlantic phone call between then presidential candidate Barack Obama’s step grandmother and American Anabaptist bishop and street preacher, Ron McRae.

The affidavit contains a transcript of the first part of a taped interview from the conversation, the statement that it is “common knowledge” in Kenya that Barack Obama, Jr. was born there, and that Shuhubia spoke with a “regional registrar” in Mombosa (sic) who confirmed that Obama’s birth was registered in Kenya and that this was all “top secret.”

It was later said that the name was a pseudonym, assumed out of fears for the personal safety of the writer of the affidavit. The writer of the affidavit writes as though he was the person identified as “Brother Tom” on the tape recording. (The recording and a transcript are linked here.)

So if indeed “Kweli Shuhubia” is not the writer of the transcript, what is the real name? Here I advance the theory that the writer is none other than Ron McRae himself.

The affidavit starts off:

I, Kweli Shuhubia am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within action.

This is the identical form of Ron McRae’s affidavit. This means that at least the boiler plate introduction to the affidavit was likely prepared by the same person. [Since this article was originally written, Loren Collins published a comparison of the affidavits of McRae and Shuhubia noting other extensive verbatim similarity in places.]

Does the writer of the affidavit leave any telltale hints to show that he was present in the room with Sarah Obama during the phone conversation? I find none. In fact, the transcript is marked in several places “unintelligible” which doesn’t make sense if written by someone who was on the African end. The affidavit says: “Ms. Obama’s home was flooded with people who were celebrating Senator Obama’s success story.” Yet of this flood of people, none are named, not even Sarah Obama’s “grandson,” mentioned in the affidavit. The lack of specifics is suspicious.

Later the affidavit says:

I interviewed personnel at the hospital in which Senator Obama was born in Kenya. I then had meetings with the Provincial Civil Registrar. I learned there were records of Ann Dunham giving birth to Barack Hussein Obama, III in Mombosa [sic], Kenya on August 4, 1961. I spoke directly with an Official, the Principal Registrar, who openly confirmed the birthing records of Senator Barack H. Obama, Jr. and his mother were present, however, the file on Barack H. Obama, Jr. was classified and profiled. The Official explained Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. birth in Kenya is top secret.

The officials are identified by title: “Provincial Civil Registrar” and “Principal Registrar,” but not by name. Someone who had actually met with these people would know the name, and since the titles are specific to an individual, withholding the name could not be to protect them. It may be that the names (which are easily obtained on the Internet) were withheld to make it more difficult to contact them to check out the story. The other problem with this account is that the Principal Registrar oversees documents in Nairobi, not Mombasa. Shuhubia cannot even spell the name of the city Mombasa!

Does it strike anyone else as odd that the official “openly confirmed” what was “top secret”?

This brings us to another interesting point. Under Kenyan law, the Principal Registrar prepares an alphabetic index of all the births in the country (and has been doing so since — drum roll — 1961). The index is open to the public.

Finally, the affidavit concludes: “I declare under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States, that the foregoing is true and correct.” This is rather an odd thing to say by someone  who is not under the jurisdiction of the United States. Further, there is no official stamp or notary on the document. Indeed, what Berg submitted to the court isn’t signed at all that I can tell; it looks like the signature was (rather obviously) pasted into the document.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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12 Responses to Who is Kweli Shuhubia?

  1. Rickey says:

    Does it strike anyone else as odd that the official “openly confirmed” what was “top secret?”

    As someone who held a Top Secret clearance while in the U.S. Navy, I find it unbelievable that an easily-identified government official would knowingly and willingly disclose classified information to an unauthorized person. The official would certainly have had his security clearance revoked, and likely would have faced other disciplinary action.

  2. CRJ says:

    @Rickey [The official would certainly have had his security clearance revoked, and likely would have faced other disciplinary action.]

    Oh,. You mean like Hillary Clinton has right?

    [when she said Republican front-runner Donald Trump was “becoming ISIS’s best recruiter,” ] in the #DemDebate Saturday Night.LIE! No evidence

    [“Benghazi was about the Videotape”] LIE

    [Nothing was marked Top Secret when I received it or sent it] LIE

    Really surprised now days you’d take any stock in the bias B.S. coming out and maintaining integrity in our National Intelligence. She would have been indicted already with the Facts and letting her go basically flushed any hope for political accountability and moving away from wrecklessness.

    Although I have no doubt about the integrity that once was held in high regard @Rickey mentions while he served decades ago. I do think he places a good testimony for that personal periscope view. Oh that we had an ounce of that Honor TODAY!


    The very first thing I thought when reading this is its no coincidence this didn’t make the cut in articles and remained unpublished and on the cutting room floor.

    Publishing it back then might have fanned the smoke into a flame much more.

    Second- regarding the debunking of it. Recalled my own oaths taken at the State Elections Office in the last few elections and for the life of me I can’t recall the names of the Clerks in detail. Imagine calling with suspicion my memory for detail without video or pictures of the meeting ? It makes little sense to assuge recalling [greater detail] a fault some 50 years ago?

    Thirdly- with the Affidavit being signed to an understanding of it’s submission to American Courts that might have been appropriate? It would actually probably not be recognized as binding under American Procedures of Affidavit if it had been attested to by or under Kenyan Law or the Kenyan Constitution.

    The agreement of an Affidavit subject to a particular Nations Laws is simply an understanding of it’s intended purposes and not the said particular jurisdiction or citizenship of the Affiant nessarily.

    The respect America has for other Nation’s documentation has been rather dismissive with the Kenyan B.C . diminished accountability to match prints for instance. And U.S. Jurisdiction stops at the borders unless your fantasy of WORLD DOMINATION is prevalently outstanding.

    I recall listening to that conversation when it first came out and thinking about the Facts TWO WITNESSES support the same FACTS in the same place, being quite remarkable. The difficulty of refuting such testimony when for instance two witnesses testify about a criminal action is very hard especially when Family and Clergy are in harmony.

    Of course in the Islamic Republic under Sharia it takes 4 witnesses of the rape of a woman to stand in Court.

    {The Qur’an:
    Qur’an (2:282) – Establishes that a woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man’s in court (there is no “he said/she said” gridlock in Islam).

    Qur’an (24:4) – “And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses (to adultery), flog them…” Strictly speaking, this verse addresses adultery (revealed at the very time that Muhammad’s favorite wife was being accused of adultery on the basis of only three witnesses coincidentally enough). However it is a part of the theological underpinning of the Sharia rule on rape, since if there are not four male witnesses, the rape “did not occur”.}

    So.., understandable how Anti Birthers might not respect U.S. practices and procedures or the History of the U.S.

  3. Rickey says:


    Oh,. You mean like Hillary Clinton has right?

    [when she said Republican front-runner Donald Trump was “becoming ISIS’s best recruiter,” ]in the #DemDebate Saturday Night.LIE! No evidence

    She was expressing an opinion, not a quantifiable fact. Even you should be able to figure that out.

    [“Benghazi was about the Videotape”] LIE

    Earth to CRJ: Clinton never said that Benghazi was about the video. What she said is that some people were saying that it was about the video, which is true. In fact, the first person to say it was a Libyan official.

    [Nothing was marked Top Secret when I received it or sent it] LIE

    Read the Fox News story again. The unnamed sources do not claim that anything which Clinton received on her e-mail server was marked Top Secret. In fact, Politico has reported that “A referral from [Intelligence Community Inspector General] Charles McCullough in July triggered an FBI investigation into Clinton’s private email setup and how classified information migrated on to that server. So far, State has classified nearly 1,000 of the messages in Clinton’s account, although none were marked classified at the time.


    There is no evidence that Clinton ever received any e-mails which were marked classified and she never sent any e-mails which contained information that was known to the classified at the time.

    Blah…blah…blah…Typical CRJ word salad.

    When are you going to acknowledge that Klayman’s RICO lawsuit against Clinton has been dismissed and that there is no trial date? I have asked you three times now.

  4. John Reilly says:

    Do you know what is not a secret? That Cody Robert Judy is a convicted domestic terrorist.

  5. Lupin says:

    John Reilly:
    Do you know what is not a secret?That Cody Robert Judy is a convicted domestic terrorist.

    Let’s not forget unrepentant.

  6. Greatkim says:

    No Doc,

    Kweli exists:

    http://www.theanabaptistschurch.com/Anabaptists_of_Africa.html. From the link:

    ” The Presbytery along with Bishop McRae are already working with preachers in the Ivory Coasts, Nigeria and Ethiopia, with Brother Kweli Shuhubia from Kenya having just returned from a preaching tour in the Sudan.”

    As you will learn following an old fogbow thread, BIRTHERGATE: IS GOP BEHIND IT ?


    at the 5th page of the topic you will read about Shukubia


    McRae and Shuhubia lead to Pastor Muthee (Palin’s whichcraft pastor), to a misterious GOP “fact-finding mission” to Kenya, to Jerome Corsi, to WND. All the dots are there although they are not easy to connect. I still believe the “born in Kenya” hoax was intended as the October Surprise, and that’s where it all started.

  7. Thank for this helpful information. I have updated the article.

    Greatkim: No Doc,

    Kweli exists:

  8. Loren says:

    That photo from McRae’s website is captioned “Bishop McRae Preaching in the Open Air Market With Brother Daniel the Translator.” Not Kweli or Brother Tom.

    I’d also note that McRae’s own affidavit (http://devvy.net/pdf/nov08/exhibit1.pdf) specifically claims on page 5 that “Kweli Shuhubia” is a pseudonym: “Reverend Kweli Shuhubia (actual name temporarily withheld to protect his life)”

    Then again, in his introduction to the conversation transcript (http://devvy.net/pdf/nov08/exhibit4.pdf), McRae repeatedly refers to Kweli “Shuhudia”, without claiming that it’s anything other than a real name.

  9. Rickey says:

    That photo from McRae’s website is captioned “Bishop McRae Preaching in the Open Air Market With Brother Daniel the Translator.” Not Kweli or Brother Tom.

    I’d also note that McRae’s own affidavit (http://devvy.net/pdf/nov08/exhibit1.pdf) specifically claims on page 5 that “Kweli Shuhubia” is a pseudonym: “Reverend Kweli Shuhubia (actual name temporarily withheld to protect his life)”

    Then again, in his introduction to the conversation transcript (http://devvy.net/pdf/nov08/exhibit4.pdf), McRae repeatedly refers to Kweli “Shuhudia”, without claiming that it’s anything other than a real name.

    It wouldn’t have been the first time that birthers were unable to keep their lies straight.

  10. I forgot to mention that Ron McRae has said that it was right to lie to save a fetus from abortion.

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