More lies from Lakin fan web site

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin puts on his US Army Officer’s uniform and lends his image to a web site that lies like a dog. In a page entitled “The Hard Facts‘” the American Patriot Foundation, Inc. says:

The Obama campaign posted an online, computer-generated document, a Certification of Live Birth (COLB), which it offered as a birth record. The truth is, this document could have been created recently by submission of sworn statements, even if no document from 1961 existed.

Could that be true? No, it could not. The Date Filed printed on the certified copy of Obama’s COLB was August 8, 1961. Sorry, the COLB is a certified copy of a certificate filed in 1961.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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40 Responses to More lies from Lakin fan web site

  1. John says:

    I think what they trying to say is that the COLB could been created from nothing than sworn statements from indivduals from 1961. The COLB contains no coorborative evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii such as the hospital, attending doc, and witnesses. Anyway, Kenya knows the truth. Of course, I am sure like the Kenyan Ambassador will change their story when they are “caught”.

  2. John says:

    Kenyan official: Obama born here

    I am willing to bet that the Kenyan Official changes his story when he “gets caught”.

  3. Well, most of the “facts” he presents are recycled Berg droppings.

    That and his spokesperson leads me to suspect that the civilian attorney advising him is John D. Hemenway.

  4. If that’s what they meant, then that’s what they should have said.

  5. SFJeff says:

    “I think what they trying to say is that the COLB could been created from nothing than sworn statements from indivduals from 1961.”

    I am not sure I see the issue about this. Isn’t every birth certificate essentially created from sworn statements of individuals?

  6. Black Lion says:

    john, can you show us any COLB that contains coorborative evidence of a hospital, attending doc, or witnesses? I just find it interesting that you would prefer to believe some Kenyan politican that provided no evidence of his claims rather than an official statement from the state of Hawaii that stated that the President was born in Hawaii. You just want to believe in the farfetched conspiracy theories involving secret Kenyan births with no real evidence…

  7. Black Lion says:

    Same WND unsubstantiated crap. Yawn….Call us when they can actually provide some real evidence….WND hasn’t been able to tell the truth since they have been in existence…

  8. Dick Whitman says:

    “I think what they trying to say is that the COLB could been created from nothing than sworn statements from individuals(sic) from 1961.”I am not sure I see the issue about this. Isn’t every birth certificate essentially created from sworn statements of individuals?


    And with an annulled adoption the original BC can be reinstated or a new vital record can be created without an amendment notation, depending on Court Order.

  9. John: I am willing to bet that the Kenyan Official changes his story when he “gets caught”.

    Or changes his story when the Registrar General tells him he’s full of it. Birth records in Kenya are not private as they are in the United States.

    Orengo is a likely candidate for president and a courageous foe of government corruption. He is no wimp and if he corrects his statement, it will not be from pressure from anybody.

  10. Bovril says:

    So……A politician, in another country to score some ersatz gravitas makes up a specious “fact” comparing himself tenuously with the POTUS and this is the best “proof” WND et-al can come up with…….?

  11. Greg says:

    If my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle.

    Of course, there’s nothing to suggest that my aunt has balls. There’s also nothing to suggest that Obama was formally adopted.

  12. Rickey says:


    I just gave a press conference, during which I announced that George W. Bush was born in England.

    Now I demand that Bush provide me with his birth certificate to prove that what I said isn’t so. If he fails to provide me with his birth certificate, every law which he signed while in office is null and void.

    I also want his Air National Guard records.

  13. mimi says:

    You might enjoy this military law blog’s coverage of LTC Dipstick.

    I know I am. The comments are entertaining as well.

  14. US Citizen says:

    Perhaps we can all chip in and get one of those “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” billboards erected near Leavenworth. 😉

  15. Rickey, while you are at it, ask for all your federal income tax payments refunded to you paid while Bush was in office.

  16. Rickey says:

    That would be sweet! I’ll let you know how it works out.

  17. Black Lion says:

    More humorous is the “view” from noted birther “dr kate”…It is long and rambling…Maybe it was written by our old friend Mario because it makes some leaps in legal logic that real legal experts would never take…

    It is the usual nonsense but it seems like she blames this situation on the results of the Kerchner “lawsuit”…Mind boggling logic from that one…..

    “The one case that exposes this truth is the Kerchner v Obama & Congress lawsuit, currently on appeal before the Third Circuit Appeals Court in Philadelphia. The Kerchner filings contain the most comprehensive case law history of this subject ever compiled and analyzed. They also expose the shocking, true depth of deception and fraud that enabled the coup resulting in installation of Barack Obama.”

    Ostensibly, Kerchner’s complaint shows that Obama has not proven himself eligible for the Presidency, and in any case, is not eligible because he is a British citizen by birth. The basis for the clause in Article II describing the requirement that the President be a natural born citizen is presented in the case documents and supplemental information submitted to the Court by Attorney Apuzzo.

    Kerchner is arguing that there were other violations of the constitution by members of Congress which surround the placement of putative pResident Obama into the White House. These are the 12 counts.”

    The twelve counts brought against Obama and Congress consist of a violation of three Articles of and five Amendments to the Constitution. Reading the complaint is like a primer on the Constitution, and in this case, just shows how much had to happen to permit this usurpation. Nearly every article in and amendment to the Constitution has been violated by Obama, the socialist democrats, and criminal activity conducted by other agency, party, and media enablers.

    Count III: Fifth Amendment–Substantive due process

    After violating Kerchner’s procedural due process rights, Obama occupied the White House. This is the substantive violation of due process, whereby Obama ignored the law and physically took the office anyway.

    I believe his was a studied invasion and occupation of the White House. Rather than study the Constitution and ways to uphold it, or creating a more perfect union’, Obama seems to have studied how to undermine it, taking advantage of any procedure he could violate.”

  18. Black Lion says:

    The commentary is even more hilarious…It goes to show you that no matter what Obama does or what information he provides there are those that are never going to accept it or him being the legitimate President of the US….So doing what he is doing, thumbing his nose at them and ignoring them is the best thing he could ever do…

    Quantum Leap
    April 13, 2010 at 7:25 pm
    When he disappeared to his daughters fake ball game he really ran to the Kenyan embassy about his birth issues as word going around is saying. I think it had something to do with the Polish plane crash and think he and Medvedev had something to do with it.

    April 13, 2010 at 7:33 pm
    Or, he was in a top secret meeting with the Chief Justice, Joint Chiefs, talking about how and when he will resign, as a result of the release of the Kenyan information…

    Or, was he buying drugs?

    April 13, 2010 at 8:04 pm
    Dr K…is there any way of telling whether or not this information out of Kenya has been acknowledged by anyone? Even when printed in black and white and officially recorded, it appears that all are still ignoring it. I thought it might be possible that someone would be asking questions when true evidence came to light. Can it really be possible that all have been physically threatened? This was insinuated at the AGJ. I have personally come to the conclusion that this is some kind of quid pro quo with the previous administration as has been hinted around the blogs.

    I have heard nothing encouraging if any blog comments can be believed. The military is aware yet they arrested one of their own. The congress is complicit. People have been fighting forever to no avail. Both parties appear to be working twords the same end. It is now official, we are to be ignored.

    April 13, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    If I’m right about the “Globalists” bhind obama being Hitler’s left-over Nazis and Co–and I think I am right–then a little comparison of two proximate evets in 1939 to two proximate events this month becomes suggestive.

    1. In Aug, 1939, Hitler signed a Non-aggression Pact with Russia. Weeks later, Hitler invaded Poland. Obviously, the invasion was part of Hitler’s deal with the Russians.
    2. I April, 2010, obama signs a nuclear “non-aggression” pact with Russia. Days later, the leadership of Polad’s government is killed in a plane crash. Was this a deal like the one in 1939, this time betwee the Nazi front man, obama, and the Russians?

  19. US Citizen says:

    I’m curious if we, the general public, will hear much more about what happens with Lakin.
    The DOD has no obligation to release press releases about this unless they consider this case worthy of portraying as an example.
    If they do that, I would also guess they’re not going to be kind to him at all during sentencing.
    But the possibility we will never hear more about this for a long while seems to be possible. Thoughts?

  20. Nothing prevents Lakin from blabbing all he wants.

  21. Dave says:

    So far, Lakin has been quite generous with the press releases, so I’d be surprised if that didn’t continue. But I don’t know if military courts have the same kind of open record rules the civilian courts have.

  22. Lakin is trying to gain the distinction of being the first birther martyr.

  23. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy says:

    Lakin is trying to gain the distinction of being the first birther martyr.

    Good luck to him on that. There will be no demonstrators outside (the court-martial will be held at the Pentagon or at an Army facility where the public is not allowed). He is entitled to a military attorney, but he is free to hire a civilian attorney to work with his military attorney if that is what he wants. If there is a trial, it will not turn into a media circus.

    One significant difference: at a military court-martial, it only requires 2/3 of the “jurors” to convict.

    Some helpful info can be found here:

  24. Arthur says:

    Dr. C.:

    If Lt. Col. Lakin is tried before a military court, I imagine the charge will be failure to obey a legal order.

    Here’s my question: would the rules governing courts-martial allow Lakin to challenge Pres. Obama’s eligibility in order prove that his orders were not legal?

    Also, since a president is not considered a member of the military (although acting as commander-in-chief), is it possible for Lakin to argue that his orders originated with the President?


  25. Greg says:

    Here’s my question: would the rules governing courts-martial allow Lakin to challenge Pres. Obama’s eligibility in order prove that his orders were not legal?

    Almost certainly not.

    There are two possible options. Either:

    1. Obama is eligible for the Presidency, therefore the orders are legal.


    2. Obama is ineligible for the Presidency, so the De Facto Officer Doctrine applies – therefore, his past orders are legal.

    Obama is sitting in the President’s chair. The sign on his desk says President. He is President.

    Proving he is ineligible doesn’t make his past orders illegal. Therefore it is not defense to disobeying orders.

    If Lakin could prove that some Obama impersonator signed his orders, that might be a defense.

  26. richCares says:

    I don’t think Larkin is aware of what will happen, he bought the birther stuff full bore and thinks he will be “saved” like a hero. Like I said, hating Obama causes brain damage.

  27. Black Lion says:

    I guess the infamous FOX special on the seditious LtC. Larkin did not go as well as the birthers were hoping it would….The birthers went from praising that FOX would get the story out there and being excited to changing their tune and implying that FOX is just another lackey of Obama. It would be hilarious if it was not so pathetic….

    “Megyn Kelly was touted tonight as having investigated the “birther controversy” as it related to army Lt. Col. Lakin’s refusal to deploy to Afghanistan when she appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox program an hour ago.

    What followed was an incredible display of ignorance (she didn’t investigate anything) and a obviously orchestrated smear campaign against all those concerned Americans who question Obama’s eligibility and a great deal of derision and disdain directed at Lt. Col. Lakin himself.

    O’Reilly and Kelly made absolute fools of themselves as they sneered and smirked their way through their talking points, that was anything but fair and balanced. Actually, to be really fair, one would have to say that Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly sold their souls tonight. In doing so, they showed that they care less about America and the truth and more about money and job security. In so doing they betrayed their fellow Americans and smeared an honorable man who has dedicated his adult life in service to America. In so doing they purposely misrepresented the true facts and purposely lied to the viewers. It seems that they would rather prop up a usurper, an anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semite, Marxist criminal who defrauded the American people and who is now intent on destroying America and lies to the American people everyday than actually investigate the issue and provide a thoughtful and responsible report! O’Reilly and Kelly have proven with their reprehensible presentation tonight that they like AKA Obama, are also frauds and traitors!

    True to form Kelly and O’Reilly made sure to follow the their script making sure not to contradict Bill’s previous show of several months ago when he pretended to listen to an equally laughable and ignorant presentation from his female lackeys, Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle. In that show he even went so far as to tell his viewers that he had investigated the eligibility issue thoroughly and found it to be bogus. He further lied that he had actually seen the birth certificate. That, we all know is a lie. By the way, why didn’t Bill mention again tonight, that he had seen the birth certificate? Well because he got caught in the lie the last time and took some heat. He probably didn’t want to talk about the eligibility show tonight but dutifully followed the Fox marching orders. Kelly, who is a rising Fox star, played along.

    Realizing of course that Kelly and O’Reilly are indeed, following the marching orders of Fox (and therein the Saudi government and the Obama White House), both of these phonies put on a display of ignorance that was truly laughable if it wasn’t for the fact that the issue is vital concern to the preservation of our Constitution and the American way of life.

    As for fair and balanced…why no one representing the eligibility issue allowed to be on the program? And why no mention of the recent video of Michelle Obama referring to Kenya as Obama’s home country…or why no mention of the speech in the Kenyan parliament just a few days ago referring to Obama as being born in Kenya? Fair and balanced? I think not. O’Reilly and Kelly are willing participants in the greatest cover up ever.”

  28. BatGuano says:

    “True to form Kelly and O’Reilly made sure to follow the their script making sure not to contradict Bill’s previous show of several months ago………….”

    ” By the way, why didn’t Bill mention again tonight, that he had seen the birth certificate? Well because he got caught in the lie the last time and took some heat. .”

    so……. if they repeat what was said previously it’s proof of “following a script ” but if they don’t it’s evidence of being caught in a lie.

    got it. carry on.

  29. I’d love a link to Bill O’Reilly saying he had seen Obama’s birth certificate, although that might well be the one on the Internet.

  30. Arthur: Here’s my question: would the rules governing courts-martial allow Lakin to challenge Pres. Obama’s eligibility in order prove that his orders were not legal?

    One should really ask a military attorney, but I would think not. Lakin’s orders didn’t come from Obama, and so he has no right to disobey them just because of who the president is.

  31. Scientist says:

    Judge Lamberth has dismissed Orly’s quo warranto, along with Srunk’s motion to intervene and the motion to consolidate. The reasons were as predicted by many here (other than Sven and his pals).

  32. misha says:

    Connie Rhodes tried the same thing. Look at the trouble it caused her.

  33. SvenMagnussen says:

    You’re going to miss me!

  34. misha says:

    Sven, don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

  35. Rickey says:

    SvenMagnussen says:

    You’re going to miss me!

    What, the dismissal of Orly’s quo warranto claim is the last straw for you?

    And don’t worry about us missing you. I can still discuss this with my cats, and their opinions are at least as reality-based as yours.

  36. SFJeff says:

    He finished Barry and the Pirates! Look for it on bookshelves near you soon.

  37. Expelliarmus says:

    As far as I know, a member of the military is not allowed to justify disobedience to an order based on challenge the *credentials* of the superior who has given it… nor of anyone up the chain of command. The only time that the legality of the order could be challenged as a defense to disobedience would be if the order itself was manifestly illegal — for example, if a soldier was ordered to shoot unarmed civilians.

    So no, Lakin can’t raise the birth certificate issue. Its not relevant to any valid legal defense.

  38. BatGuano says:

    He finished Barry and the Pirates! Look for it on bookshelves near you soon.

    do sven’s other personas have to go too ???

  39. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Nah, Orly’s been headed that way for some time now too. One of these days she’ll get that contempt charge she always wanted.

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