Dunn takes firm lead in early returns


Damon Dunn has opened up an impressive 48 point lead over Orly Taitz in early results (7.4% of precincts at least partially reporting)  over Mission Viejo dentist Orly Taitz–dashing hopes that we would have Orly Taitz to kick around during the campaign season.

This morning with 91.3% of precincts reporting, Dunn has maintained his almost 50 point lead.

  • Dunn- 1,006,084
  • Taitz – 348,034

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
This entry was posted in Birther Politics, Orly Taitz. Bookmark the permalink.

64 Responses to Dunn takes firm lead in early returns

  1. Rickey says:

    Anyone wishing to follow the returns can do so here:


    As I write this, Dunn leads 74.4%-25.6% with 8.7% of precincts reporting “partially or fully.”

  2. YellowDog says:

    I smell lawsuit.

  3. richCares says:

    Orly has often snatched defeat from the Jaws of Victory, this seems to be the case here as well. Her come da suit!

  4. And look who’s ahead of the pack in the Democrats for Governor! Jerry Brown!

    I smell a Dead Kennedys marathon coming on…

  5. Arthur says:

    Remember Orly, big girls don’t cry . . . or else their mascara runs. Now pay your 20,000 dollar fine, you, you, naughty girl.

  6. misha says:

    I am sooo disappointed. Now I have to find some other entertainment.

    When is she going to cough up the 20 grand?

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    misha: I am sooo disappointed. Now I have to find some other entertainment.

    Wait to see what Orly has to say after her defeat – there might still be some entertainment value left…

  8. JoZeppy says:

    J. Edward Tremlett: And look who’s ahead of the pack in the Democrats for Governor! Jerry Brown!I smell a Dead Kennedys marathon coming on…

    California Uber alles!!!!!!

  9. misha says:

    Slartibartfast: Wait to see what Orly has to say after her defeat – there might still be some entertainment value left…

    (In a Russo-Hebrew accent): Obama’s thugs rigged the election! This is the Soviet Union! Communist! Fascist! Brownshirt! My life is in danger! Aieeee!

  10. Slartibartfast says:

    (In a Russo-Hebrew accent): Obama’s thugs rigged the election! This is the Soviet Union! Communist! Fascist! Brownshirt! My life is in danger! Aieeee!

    Nah. She’ll play to her strengths and continue to challenge Dunn’s eligibility – “Let me finish!”

  11. misha says:

    Slartibartfast: Nah. She’ll play to her strengths and continue to challenge Dunn’s eligibility – “Let me finish!”

    No – ‘Let me feeneesh.’

  12. Lupin says:

    I don’t know about you but the fact that 217,000+ people voted for that dingbat is a terribly appalling fact.

    As a statistical experiment I wish I could run the absolute worst candidate ever (Drinky MacChildmolester) and get a baseline, but wouldn’t 10,000+ votes be about what you might expect him to get?

    So there’s maybe 200,000 people on top of that who actually believe Orly could do that job?

    No, really, it is depressing.

  13. Benji Franklin says:

    Lupin: I don’t know about you but the fact that 217,000+ people voted for that dingbat is a terribly appalling fact.As a statistical experiment I wish I could run the absolute worst candidate ever (Drinky MacChildmolester) and get a baseline, but wouldn’t 10,000+ votes be about what you might expect him to get?
    So there’s maybe 200,000 people on top of that who actually believe Orly could do that job?No, really, it is depressing.

    Yes, Lupin.

    Growing up in the U.S. Midwest, I had an English teacher who opined about the U.S. electorate, that if we could have a Presidential election running Adolph Hitler against Our Lord, Our Lord would win, but only by about 7%.

    Benji Franklin

  14. misha says:

    Lupin: So there’s maybe 200,000 people on top of that who actually believe Orly could do that job?No, really, it is depressing.

    I wrote before: LePen got 20%. Add the Denialists, the Tea Baggers, the GOP, and the rest of the kooks, and it’s around 33-33.3%.

    America has always had an anti-intellectual, anti-art undercurrent. I call it Goebbels Lite.

    Here’s a taste:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7706179979766534830&hl=en#

  15. Jules says:

    I would love to see an exit poll showing what percentage of the Taitz’s voters are aware of and actually agree with Taitz’s efforts to have Obama removed from office by the courts.

    I would like to know what percentage of Taitz’s voters fall into each of the following categories:
    1. Voters who were completely unfamiliar with all candidates for Secretary of State and voted for Taitz because she was first on the ballot.
    2. Voters who were familiar with Dunn and voted against him even though they were unfamiliar with Taitz.
    3. Voters who were aware of Taitz’s conspiracy theories and voted for her simply as a protest vote even though they disagree.
    4. Voters who were aware of Taitz’s conspiracy theories and voted for her mainly on this basis of their agreement.
    5. Voters who were unfamiliar with Taitz’s conspiracy theories and voted for her because they agree with her views on other matters.
    6. Voters who were familiar Taitz’s conspiracy theories but voted for her because they agree with her views on other matters.
    7. Democrats voting tactically for the candidate that they considered most likely to embarrass the Republican Party.

  16. Bovril says:

    Waiting for Sven and Scottia et al to “extrapolate” the numbers and chime in and say “See we told you we had 100,000,000 supporters” etc etc

  17. Lupin says:

    misha: I wrote before: LePen got 20%. Add the Denialists, the Tea Baggers, the GOP, and the rest of the kooks, and it’s around 33-33.3%.

    The one-time electoral surge of Le Pen in the 2002 Presidential election when he polled nearly 18% (a feat never since duplicated) is a complex phenomenon, including the seemingly paradoxical fact that the National Front inherited the votes for the crumbling Communist Party.

    That said, the National Front is a party, with a platform, grounded (for the most part) in reality. They’re ideologically loathsome, but they’re not lunatics. In fact, that have much in common with the more “neocon” wing of the Republican Party and the teabaggers.

    What saddens me with Orly is that she *is* a lunatic, with no organization, no platform, no thoughts other than her hatred of Obama. She is clearly incapable of doing the job.

    But Jules above makes a very good point in arguing that we don’t know how many people who voted for her actually knew much about her.

  18. JoZeppy:
    California Uber alles!!!!!!

    You will jog for the master race – and always wear a happy face

  19. Mike says:

    Bovril: Waiting for Sven and Scottia et al to “extrapolate” the numbers and chime in and say “See we told you we had 100,000,000 supporters” etc etc

    Orly’s take home vote is approximately 0.9% of the California population. However you slice it, that’s not a tsunami of birthers…

  20. Rickey says:

    Here are the unofficial totals with 100% of the precincts reporting, as of 8:02 a.m. Pacific time:

    Dunn 1,075,337 (74.3%)
    Orly 372,490 (25.7%)


  21. JoZeppy says:

    Rickey: Here are the unofficial totals with 100% of the precincts reporting, as of 8:02 a.m. Pacific time:Dunn 1,075,337 (74.3%)Orly 372,490 (25.7%)http://vote.sos.ca.gov/returns/sec/59.htm

    It seems about right. If I recall correctly, didn’t past polls have a third of republicans questioning Obama’s birth. So you figure a good chunk of her votes are hard core birthers, and the rest just picked because she was on top of the list, or went by some voter guide….but then again, I’m guessing this was one of the few times that a majority of people heard of the candidates running for the Republican primary for secretary of state.

  22. SFJeff says:

    I almost hesitate to mention it but the explanation for how Orly got as many votes as she did might be simply black and white.

  23. Daniel says:

    I see this morning that Orly has scrubbed her website home page of entries that suggested she might win. Still lots of garbage questioning Dunn’s eligibility though, so it’s likely that the slimy lawsuits will continue.

  24. Bovril says:

    Mike: Orly’s take home vote is approximately 0.9% of the California population. However you slice it, that’s not a tsunami of birthers…

    No silly one, that’s not how Birfer sums work.

    Democrats are evil Obama Obots with no right to vote and were/are probably bussed in by ACORN and have false or foreign BC’s

    Therfore only Right Thinking Republican voters and votes count

    Since Orly got approx 26% of the vote for the CA SoS, that’s as close as dammit to a third of the only votes that count.

    The US population is just over 300 Million

    Therefore 1/3 of the entire population from foetus to senile support Orly and the Birfers

    (This master summation brought to you by “All Children left Behind”…..)

  25. Sef says:

    No silly one, that’s not how Birfer sums work.Democrats are evil Obama Obots with no right to vote and were/are probably bussed in by ACORN and have false or foreign BC’sTherfore only Right Thinking Republican voters and votes countSince Orly got approx 26% of the vote for the CA SoS, that’s as close as dammit to a third of the only votes that count.The US population is just over 300 MillionTherefore 1/3 of the entire population from foetus to senile support Orly and the Birfers(This master summation brought to you by “All Children left Behind”…..)

    But there are birthers in other parts of the world, the world population is ~6.7 bn, so her support is at least 2.2 bn, but let’s round it up to 4 bn. Maybe 5 or 6 bn. And her message has been broadcast so the people on Battlestar Gallactica will hear it & come running to save us all from the terrible usurper.

  26. Daniel says:

    And the new and improved nutbag conspiracies begin… right on schedule

    Open letter to Steve Poizner

    Posted on | June 9, 2010 | No Comments

    Re: Precinct Walk With Steve Poizner
    Wednesday, June 9, 2010 8:21 AM
    This sender is DomainKeys verified
    “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ”

    View contact details
    “Brian Anders OC REPUBLIC” , “bernie polak”
    “GOPUSA” , “Orly Taitz”
    Can you call me at 949-683-5411?
    I researched electrons results. All the candidates, who were strong against illegal immigration were kept at around 25%.
    Very telling are the results of the race for sheriff. I followed that race. there was a tremendous support for Bill Hunt, who is a retired sheriff of San Clemente, who blew the whistle on sheriff Carona and sent him packing and to jail for public corruption.
    Sandra Hutchins was appointed by the county supervisors after Carona was removed, even though Hunt ran against Carona in the previous election and was an obvious choice.
    During this election Hunt had tremendous support. Hutchins barely even campaigned, as if she knew that she will make it no matter what. The whole county was covered with yard signs “Hunt for Sheriff”. Everyone was sure that he will win. Nobody believes the polling results, showing Hutchins getting more than double vote over Hunt 56% Hutchins, 24% Bill Hunt, 20% Gregg Hunter.
    If you look Nationwide teaparty backed candidates were winning elections: Sharon Angle in NV, Rand Paul in KY. In CA all tea party backed candidates were kept at this imaginary line of about 25%. In my election in Los Angeles county I got over 30% and statewide 26%, but all in all there was a wall, and tea party backed candidates, anti illegal immigration candidates, pro second amendmet candidates, anti-corrupt establishment candidates were kept behind that wall.
    It worries me, it means the candidates that were elected, regardless of the party will vote for amnesty. Some surveys show that there are 30 million illegals in this country. If they go through amnesty, it is the end of the republic as we know it. We will be a de facto destitute third world banana republic (we might be there already considering wide spread corruption in the government, Congress, department of justice and judiciary). I hope Steve Poizner does not stop the fight. He is a billioner. He can provide financial support for legal actions, canvassing, analysis of Diebolt and Sequoia voting machines, outreach to the voters to fight corrupt and toxic thugs in the media. He is a father. I hope he wants his daughter and his future granchildren to live in a constitutional Republic, not tyranny that we are seing today. Please contact him and asked him to continue the fight,
    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq

  27. Mike says:

    No silly one, that’s not how Birfer sums work.Democrats are evil Obama Obots with no right to vote and were/are probably bussed in by ACORN and have false or foreign BC’sTherfore only Right Thinking Republican voters and votes countSince Orly got approx 26% of the vote for the CA SoS, that’s as close as dammit to a third of the only votes that count.The US population is just over 300 MillionTherefore 1/3 of the entire population from foetus to senile support Orly and the Birfers(This master summation brought to you by “All Children left Behind”…..)

    *puts on tinfoil hat* Ah, I see, it all makes sense now!

  28. SFJeff says:

    Ah Orly- she is so reliable. “I don’t get what i want and expect, so this country is a Tyranny!”

  29. Bovril says:

    Re The Precinct count conspiracy tirade by Taitz.

    Plainly she seems to have forgotten (if she was ever aware) that these were the PRIMARIES and she was competing against other Republicans for a chance to compete….not for the actual office itself.

    So…..the bad people “fixing” the results were…..from her side of the fence, although in general not anything like as faaaaaaaaaaaar on her side of the fence.

    I love it when Birthers go cannibal.

  30. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    SFJeff: Ah Orly- she is so reliable. “I don’t get what i want and expect, so this country is a Tyranny!”

    It is rather Stalinistic of her

  31. Expelliarmus says:

    Daniel: I researched electrons results

    That’s a charged comment……..

  32. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Expelliarmus: That’s a charged comment……..


  33. BatGuano says:

    Bovril: …these were the PRIMARIES and she was competing against other Republicans …..

    it may just be because this is the first primary i’ve ever voted in ( i’m registered nonpartisan ) but…….. one observation:

    california republicans went nuts on the tv slam campaigns…… against each other. constant ads, mostly witman v poitzner, each calling the other the liberal.

    no tv for the democrats just a handful of emails and one door-to-door.

  34. Dr. David Goliath (not Sven Magnussen) says:

    Congratulations to Democrat Damon Dunn on your impressive Republican primary victory for a place on the California ballot against the incumbent, Debra Bowen (D-CA).

    As we saw with the 2008 Presidential General Election, Sec. Bowen doesn’t mind cutting a few corners on determining who is eligible for a place on the ballot so I don’t anticipate you’ll have any problems.

    I don’t live in California and I’m not an Obot, so I cannot vote for you. But, I do support your candidacy to the extent I can without actually giving you any money.

    I encourage all Californians to support the Republican nominee for the California Secretary of State, former Democrat Damon Dunn.

  35. Slartibartfast says:


    See, I told you the fun wasn’t over…

  36. Zixi of Ix says:

    Lupin: I don’t know about you but the fact that 217,000+ people voted for that dingbat is a terribly appalling fact.As a statistical experiment I wish I could run the absolute worst candidate ever (Drinky MacChildmolester) and get a baseline, but wouldn’t 10,000+ votes be about what you might expect him to get?
    So there’s maybe 200,000 people on top of that who actually believe Orly could do that job?No, really, it is depressing.

    It is depressing, until you realize that “Secretary of State” is a lot like “Chief Justice of the Supreme Court” in the eyes of many, insofar as nearly everyone knows the position exists but not many people can tell you who fills the office.

    You might prove this to yourself by asking the next half dozen regular people you see who the Secretary of State is in your state. Unless they have a reason to know, it’s doubtful that they do.

    My guess is that there were two Republicans on the ticket. If you’d heard of Damon Dunn, you voted for him. If you’d heard of neither, you voted for whichever sounded better at the time.

  37. Dave says:

    There have been some remarks that it is depressing that so many people would vote for Taitz. There is another even more depressing fact — a lot of Americans cast votes without bothering to inform themselves about the candidates. Many people will vote for a name they recognize, even if they don’t remember where, and many will vote for whatever sample ballot somebody hands to them on the way into the poll.

    So the votes she got are some mixture of people who know about her and people who don’t. What I find interesting about the number of votes she got is that it is an upper bound on the number of Taitz supporters. And it comes to about 2% of registered voters. So the next time we hear about the vast numbers of birthers, about polls showing huge numbers of people about to stage a revolution if they don’t get the President’s kindergarten records, we need to remember this: a firm upper bound on the number of people who care about this issue enough to pry their butts off the sofa and vote is 2%.

  38. SFJeff says:

    Just heard Dunn speak on the radio today. Well spoken, rational even though riding on the far right conservative express train.

    Fox and MSNBC won’t get as much fun from him as from Orly.

  39. G says:

    Daniel, thank you for sharing Orly’s “Open letter to Steve Poizner”. That was a fun & entertaining read and sure enough, it proves that she’s immediately behaving true to form, just as we all anticipated.

    Thanks also to Rickey for the OC weely article! LOL!

    Someone already had fun with her “electrons results” comment here & the OC article. I’m surprised no one else has yet had fun with this other gem from her complaint:

    Crazy Orly Taitz says: I hope Steve Poizner does not stop the fight. He is a billioner.

    LMAO! So, what exactly is a billioner? Someone who is one in a billion, perhaps? LOL!

    Also, I wanted to respond to these two statements:

    Bovril: I love it when Birthers go cannibal.

    Slartibartfast: Misha,

    See, I told you the fun wasn’t over…

    Agreed! Pass the popcorn. 🙂

  40. Jules says:

    Now that Orly Taitz is throwing a hissy fit and suggesting that the results were fraudulent, I can’t help but compare her reaction to Silvia Night’s public reaction to the result of the 2006 Eurovision semi-final.

  41. Bovril says:

    And for those who assumed my humble post on “Birfer Sums” was hyperbole, from Mad Ole Orly herself.


    I was always skeptical, however even if you look at yesterdays results and you assume that those are correct and there was no rigging of Diebolt and Sequoia machines and I got only 26% of some 1 million 400 thousand votes in the most liberal state in the nation, in the midst of vicious hounding by the likes of Olbermann, Maddow and Mathews, it is still a lot, being extrapolated to the whole country. It means that I might have 75 million followers nationwide.


    Link below but as per usual vist only with industrial strength Antivirus and Maware software.


  42. Expelliarmus says:

    One issue with down ballot races is that a lot of people don’t bother to vote in them.

    There were 1.7 million Republican voters who voted in the Governor’s race (1,724,054 – to be exact.) We can assume that to be the total number of voters (there were 1.69 million voters in the hotly contested Senate race — I didn’t bother to check the other accounts as there were no other candidates or issues that would have been much of a draw).

    That means that there were 270,735 who voted “I don’t care” or “None of the above” in the Secty of State race. So that puts Orly’s true percentage of California Republican voters at 22%.

    Of course some of the Orly voters were simply voting against Dunn, or clueless, or voting for what they thought was a humorous joke candidacy. Plus we’ve got a bunch of cross-over voters in the mix trying to embarrass the GOP. That is… “voters” are not the same as “supporters”.

    (I cast my ballot weeks ago as a mailing, voting in the Democratic primary — and I can’t even [i]remember[/i] who I vote for on most of the down ballot races. I did do a little bit of research like reading candidate statements at the time. But basically it’s a check off the box process. If there had been 3 candidates rather than 2, then you can be reasonably certain that Orly’s vote tally would have been significantly reduced).

    On the other hand, she definitely has done better than Phil Berg managed when he ran for Judge.

  43. Keith says:

    Bovril: And for those who assumed my humble post on “Birfer Sums” was hyperbole, from Mad Ole Orly herself.============================quote========================= I was always skeptical, however even if you look at yesterdays results and you assume that those are correct and there was no rigging of Diebolt and Sequoia machines and I got only 26% of some 1 million 400 thousand votes in the most liberal state in the nation, in the midst of vicious hounding by the likes of Olbermann, Maddow and Mathews, it is still a lot, being extrapolated to the whole country. It means that I might have 75 million followers nationwide.============================quote=========================Link below but as per usual vist only with industrial strength Antivirus and Maware software.http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=11411

    AuH2O in ’64 : 27 Million Americans can’t be wrong. (Forget about the 43 million that voted for the other guy).

    Orly in ’10: 25 thousand can’t be wrong. (Forget about the 100 thousand that voted for the other guy).

    Disappointment is for wimps, Sour Grapes is Ultra-American!

  44. Nullifidian says:

    7. Democrats voting tactically for the candidate that they considered most likely to embarrass the Republican Party.

    Change that to “Democrats/Third Party voters” and you have me, although a one-person exit poll probably isn’t worth much. *grin*

    I’m registered with the Peace and Freedom Party, which is a socialist party in California, founded in 1967 by a coalition of activists in the farm workers, civil rights, and anti-war movements as a political party opposed to the Vietnam War.

    Because of California’s semi-open primaries, I could vote for any party that had agreed to opt-in to the open primary, and both the Democrats and Republicans have, as well as the American Independent Party. But the drawback is that I was limited to just voting for the Republican candidates in the field. I couldn’t pick and choose between my own party (where nobody was running for Secretary of State, but where there were contenders for other offices) and the Republican contenders.

    I looked over the candidates in my party’s primaries and decided that I could forgo voting for them in this round and just vote for whoever emerged as my party’s candidate in the general election. That’s how I came to vote Republican for the first time in my life. I am an ex-conservative, but I shifted from my youthful conservatism before I could even register to vote.

  45. Sef says:

    Nullifidian: I looked over the candidates in my party’s primaries and decided that I could forgo voting for them in this round and just vote for whoever emerged as my party’s candidate in the general election. That’s how I came to vote Republican for the first time in my life. I am an ex-conservative, but I shifted from my youthful conservatism before I could even register to vote.

    This “calculation” will need to be very different in the next primary with the passage of Prop 14.

  46. G says:

    Keith: AuH2O in 64 : 27 Million Americans can’t be wrong. (Forget about the 43 million that voted for the other guy).

    Orly in ‘10: 25 thousand can’t be wrong. (Forget about the 100 thousand that voted for the other guy).

    Disappointment is for wimps, Sour Grapes is Ultra-American!

    LOL! Good one, Keith!

    Bovril: And for those who assumed my humble post on “Birfer Sums” was hyperbole, from Mad Ole Orly herself.

    Yep, kudos points to you Bovril! Just as you predicted! I tell you, for someone as unstable and unhinged as Orly, she sure is becoming quite predictable in her craziness! 😉

  47. Bovril says:

    G: Yep, kudos points to you Bovril! Just as you predicted! I tell you, for someone as unstable and unhinged as Orly, she sure is becoming quite predictable in her craziness!

    Ahhhh, is it she is crazy predictable or is the madness is rubbing off…?

    “Yes mine’s the coat with tie up sleeves and Thorazine lapels”

  48. Black Lion says:

    From OFGS….Orly’s “wrap up”…

    “You can see the video above. There was a relentless hounding of me by Main stream media, because I dare to be the only person who brought to court not only the issue of lack of the original birth certificate for Obama (not that piece of garbage he posted on the Internet without the name of the doctor and the name of the hospital), but also the issue of his use of multiple social security numbers, none of which was issued in HI, the fact that he sits today in the White House with the Social security 042-68-4425, which was issued in CT to another individual born in 1890. I am perceived as a threat and hounded and assaulted and insulted daily.

    I am not a professional politician and started my campaign late, in March, when I saw tremendous corruption in the department of Justice and Judiciary. My opponent campaigned for 4 months prior to my nomination and was able to secure most endorsements before I entered the race. I did not have any big donors. With only 6,000 of donations for the campaign and 3 months of time I got 372,000 votes by the preliminary count, I believe it will be close to 400,000 by the end of the count of the absentee ballots. Just to give you an idea, less people voted for Chuck Devore and Tom Campbell, even though Campbell is a former US congressman, who got large donations from CAIR, Chuck Devore is a long time assemblyman, who also got large donations. I was hounded from both right and left. DeVore’s campaign manager Josh Varino decided to attack me and call names because he thought that it would help DeVore’s campaign, even thoughDevore himself asked to be my friend on facebook and presented himself as a supporter and posted on my website for quite some time. At the end DeVore got only 320,000 votes. So, who is the fringe now? And was it worth to throw your friends under the buss? Even Steve Poizner, who spent over 25 million dollars on the campaign got only 460,000 votes, not much more then what I got. In spite of all the attacks close to 400,000 people stood up, endorsed me and supported me with their votes. Many of my supporters are telling me that there are millions around the country, who support me and my work. I was always skeptical, however even if you look at yesterdays results and you assume that those are correct and there was no rigging of Diebolt and Sequoia machines and I got only 26% of some 1 million 400 thousand votes in the most liberal state in the nation, in the midst of vicious hounding by the likes of Olbermann, Maddow and Mathews, it is still a lot, being extrapolated to the whole country. It means that I might have 75 million followers nationwide. Even if the legal contest of this election does not succeed due to judicial corruption, I made a stand and showed that I am much more then a small fringe group.

    I know that sooner or later the truth will be out and my legal efforts will be vindicated and probably will be part of history books. I know that the moment one judge order discovery or reverses prior ruling, the hounded will end and many will have an egg on their faces. I might run again in 2012. I might run for Congress or Senate. I have time to decide. I will have all the wonderful endorsements I got, as a resume for future: Top Sheriff in the Nation, Sheriff Richard Mack has written that he is honored to endorse me, California Police Officers association voter guide, President of California Eagle Forum , Independence Caucus, President of CCIR, most Tea Party groups, Oath Keepers, 9/12 project groups, Campaign for Liberty groups, Republican clubs, some Republican county organizations in spite of some party hacks defaming me and liberal media attacking me. I earned all of these endorsements in the line of fire,I earned those 400,000 votes in the midst of a fierce battle, when I stood up to the sitting American president and submitted affidavits to court showing that not only he cannot be in the White House, but also needs to be criminally prosecuted for multiple offenses. Think about it for a moment. How many people in US history had courage to do that?

    I also looked closely at the political arena in CA. Do you think it is a coincidence that for decades Republicans could not get even one Republican senator from CA? Do you think it is a coincidence that both CA senators are Jewish women? I don’t think so. The reason Republicans were doing poorly in senatorial elections, is because Dems have a hold on some major voting blocks: women, immigrants, and ethnic groups particularly very powerful Jewish lobby.I believe in entertainment there is a term “triple threat”, meaning someone who can act, sing and dance. I know I am a triple threat in politics, particularly after I succeed in Obama litigation. I can go to women’s groups and bring my message to them, I can go to Eastern European churches and talk to them in Russian, and go to Romanian churches and Hispanic groups and Jewish temples, where I can speak to them in Hebrew better then Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein taken together. If the contest of this election doesn’t succeed, next election is in 2 years. There are congressional races every 2 years, Diane Feinstein will be due for re-election in 2 years. She will be close to 80 years old then. I read about her. She used to be an attorney, married to a surgeon. I am an attorney and I am also a dental surgeon. She is a an attractive, knowledgeable woman, but I can hold my own on every issue and will not lose a debate. As a matter of fact I never lost a debate on the issue of eligibility. Media is simply afraid to debate me on this issue or any other issue for that matter simply because they know that they will lose. They know that I have the facts, the law and the logic on my side and they will lose. No vicious reporter or corrupt judge can take it away from me. I am not saying that I will run, but I am saying that it is a possibility. For now I am concentrating on legal challenges.


  49. Black Lion says:

    The link for Orly’s latest screed….


  50. Reality Check says:

    This message is directed at any Orly fans here. Orly posted on her blog that she had never lost a debate. Orly has never debated anyone. She has been in shout-fests on MSNBC and CNN. On radio shows where she has taken calls she has dodged the hard questions. Of late, she refused to take calls. I Orly asked to come on my show and actually debate someone from Politijab using formal rules of debate. It will be civil. There will be no talking over one another. Each participant will have equal time. The rules will be mutually agreed upon beforehand by both participants. If she is serious about running for a statewide or national office she should be willing to accept my challenge. If you support Orly then you should invite Orly to take this challenge.

    I will let you know if Orly responds.

  51. G says:

    Reality Check: This message is directed at any Orly fans here. Orly posted on her blog that she had never lost a debate. Orly has never debated anyone. She has been in shout-fests on MSNBC and CNN. On radio shows where she hastaken calls she has dodged the hard questions. Of late, she refused to take calls. I Orly asked to come on my show and actually debate someone from Politijab using formal rules of debate. It will be civil. There will be no talking over one another. Each participant will have equal time. The rules will be mutually agreed upon beforehand by both participants. If she is serious about running for a statewide or national office she should be willing to accept my challenge. If you support Orly then you should invite Orly to take this challenge.
    I will let you know if Orly responds.

    I would love to listen to that interview. Good luck and I hope you can make that happen. 🙂

  52. Reality Check says:

    Of course we all know Orly would never appear in a fair debate. She quit taking calls on radio shows months ago because the mean Obots called her and asked questions like:

    1. Have you ever actually won a single case?
    2. Did you report yourself to the California bar when you hired a disbarred felon as a law clerk as required by the rules?
    3. How did you get a legal degree when your pleadings (other than the ones prepared by your ‘helper’, CELIII), look like they were prepared by a 5th grader?
    4. You own investigator, Neil Sankey, has said that the findings about social security numbers and addresses from database searches prove nothing in the way of criminal acts but you continue to suggest the opposite. Why?
    5. Why won’t you show your naturalization papers?
    6. Why do you smear innocent law clerks with wild accusations without a single shred of proof of wrongdoing?
    7. Why do you misquote Sandra Lines when she never said that the Factcheck COLB was a forgery?

    I could add more.

  53. Reality Check: Of course we all know Orly would never appear in a fair debate. She quit taking calls on radio shows months ago because the mean Obots called her and asked questions like:

    I wanna know how she beat the charge of driving greater than 100 mph, a case she apparently won.

  54. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I wanna know how she beat the charge of driving greater than 100 mph, a case she apparently won.

    She was stopped less than 100 miles from her home, and she was out of the house less than one hour.

    Apologies to Stephen Wright.

  55. Expelliarmus says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I wanna know how she beat the charge of driving greater than 100 mph, a case she apparently won.

    The best way to beat a traffic ticket is to plead not guilty and set it for trial. If the cop doesn’t show up at the day & time set, the ticket will be dismissed. The odds of the cop not showing up are fairly high.

  56. Dr. David Goliath says:

    Reality Check: This message is directed at any Orly fans here. Orly posted on her blog that she had never lost a debate. Orly has never debated anyone. She has been in shout-fests on MSNBC and CNN. On radio shows where she hastaken calls she has dodged the hard questions. Of late, she refused to take calls. I Orly asked to come on my show and actually debate someone from Politijab using formal rules of debate. It will be civil. There will be no talking over one another. Each participant will have equal time. The rules will be mutually agreed upon beforehand by both participants. If she is serious about running for a statewide or national office she should be willing to accept my challenge. If you support Orly then you should invite Orly to take this challenge.
    I will let you know if Orly responds.

    The only person who could reasonably be trusted to be fair in the Constitutionalist v Anit-Constitutionalist debate is Dr. Conspiracy.

  57. Reality Check says:

    Dr. David Goliath: The only person who could reasonably be trusted to be fair in the Constitutionalist v Anit-Constitutionalist debate is Dr. Conspiracy.

    I agree, Doc C would represent the Constitutional side vs Anti-Constitutional Taitz very well. I would delighted if Doc C would be willing to do that. Any of the lawyers from PJ would make mince meat of Taitz because they actually understand and have practiced law and have degrees from accredited law schools. However, it is all speculation because the last thing Tatiz would ever do is appear in a fair format where should would be required to actually back up her allegations with evidence vs. screaming her incoherent line of baseless accusations and nonsense.

  58. Dr. David Goliath says:

    Reality Check:
    I agree, Doc C would represent the Constitutionalside vs Anti-Constitutional Taitz very well. I would delighted if Doc C would be willing to do that. Any of the lawyers from PJ would make mince meat of Taitz because they actually understand and have practiced law and have degrees from accredited law schools. However, it is all speculation because the last thing Tatiz would ever do is appear in a fair format where should would be required to actually back up her allegations with evidence vs. screaming her incoherent line of baseless accusations and nonsense.

    Doc, get you a blogtalk radio account ASAP. The anti-Constitutionalist at Politijab will produce the program. Doc, you’ll be the moderator. Sorry RealityBites, you’ve demonstrated your bias and can only participate as a spectator. I will be Executive Director or this will never happen.

  59. Reality Check: I agree, Doc C would represent the Constitutional side vs Anti-Constitutional Taitz very well. I would delighted if Doc C would be willing to do that.

    I very definitely wouldn’t take the attack/ridicule approach with Taitz. I would just keep saying “and why do you think that?” peeling back the layers of crazy for everyone to see. The one I would really want to interview is Phil Berg. There are many things he knows about that I would like to know.

  60. northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I wanna know how she beat the charge of driving greater than 100 mph, a case she apparently won.

    She did have a later citation for driving at an unsafe speed for prevailing conditions. For that, she was given traffic school at the same time as the other dismissal. With the traffic school, they may have gone ahead and dismissed the other one.

    It does appear she finished traffic school by may since it has been updated. I am not sure where she would find the time.

  61. Reality Check says:

    Dr. David Goliath: Doc, get you a blogtalk radio account ASAP. The anti-Constitutionalist at Politijab will produce the program. Doc, you’ll be the moderator. Sorry RealityBites, you’ve demonstrated your bias and can only participate as a spectator. I will be Executive Director or this will never happen.

    Do you speak for Orly, Goliath? If not, you have no part in setting the rules. I would be fine with Doc C as the referee/timekeeper. I have some rules in mind and a few names as a possible debater but it is no use carrying the conversation any further because as stated before Orly would never agree to any true debate.

  62. Reality Check: Do you speak for Orly, Goliath?

    Ha ha. Dr. Goliath is our resident MPD Sven, who speaks only for the 20 or so pseudonyms he posts under.

  63. Bovril says:

    Teh Crazy she burnssssssssss

    Orly is up to her old tricks again, now it’s Senator Orly time.

    A suspiciously worded WordPress site and I-Petion for Orly for Senate have just popped up on the radar



    Now….where and by who have I heard the phrase “frequent shenanigans” before …….8-)

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