Adams says more

Tim Adams, former temporary clerk at the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division of the City Clerk’s office made some remarkable comments on a white racist talk show, “Political Cesspool.” In that interview, Adams said

When this question came up I had access to all the government databases that people had to verify identity: NCIS, Social Security, all these things we used on average voters. There were two people higher than me in our office who were under the City Clerk of Honolulu. And the question came up about the birth certificate and about President Obama’s birthplace. In our professional opinion Barack Obama was not born in the United States and there is no Hawaii long form birth certificate.

Now, in an email to Phil at The Right Side of Life blog, Adams writes:

Thank you for the Email. Actually I believe God has a sense of humor, because I thought these notions were pretty well common and not very important. I was actually just in Nashville, observing a conservative political conference, I’m not a member of any kind of group, and too liberal for these guys, when James Edwards, the host of the Political Cesspool, heard about me from someone and asked if I would simply state what I had observed and been told while working in Hawaii. I believe Pres. Obama was born a United States citizen, and is eligible to hold office, I find the idea that because he was probably born outside of the U.S., he must be some kind of alien to be basically racist. I do think we should close this issue and pass legislation requiring office seekers to prove identity before running for elected office.

Adams is now trying to distance himself from the white supremacists hosts of the radio show.

However, in neither of these, nor in his interview with WorldNetDaily, does Adams say what he saw or failed to see, and what he based his opinion on. If he actually claimed to have queried any of those federal databases about Obama, he would be admitting to a federal crime (Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1030(a)(2)(B) and 1030(c)(2)(A)) and could face up to a year in prison and a $10,000 fine.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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37 Responses to Adams says more

  1. thorswitch says:

    I can’t stomach listening to his tape, but I’d love to know if he actually said “NCIS” or if that was a transcriber’s error. NCIS is the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. NCIC is the National Crime Information Center. It’s the NCIC that has the database of crimes across the country, and that database is generally called “the NCIC database” or just “NCIC.” NCIS wouldn’t have a general criminal database – and they definitely wouldn’t have one that was open to civilians, since they’re part of the military justice system.

  2. James says:

    Since this story broke, I wonder if Adams has been threated in any way? It might explain his back pedaling.

  3. James says:

    Robert Gibbs Is Asked About Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number.

    Village Idiot Robert Gibbs responds.

  4. James says:


  5. misha says:


    I’ve seen Obama’s authentic birth certificate.


  6. misha says:

    James: Since this story broke, I wonder if Adams has been threated in any way? It might explain his back pedaling.

    “If he actually claimed to have queried any of those federal databases about Obama, he would be admitting to a federal crime (Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1030(a)(2)(B) and 1030(c)(2)(A)) and could face up to a year in prison and a $10,000 fine.”

    If he admits looking, he can be prosecuted. Remember those residents who looked at Bill Clinton’s medical file? Big mistake. Same thing happened at Fidelity several years ago.

  7. richCares says:

    An interesting story of a High School girl. Her mother recently died and the father is a devout right winger (full of hate), he is also a birther. The poor girl couldn’t handle all that hate and ran away. She is from California and ran to her Grandmothers house in Oregon. I hope that works out for her, the Grandmother taking legal steps,etc. The girl is doing well at GrandMa’s, started freshman year at local school.
    I’m curious, is that your daughter James. Do you realize how damaging your hate is to your family?

  8. Slartibartfast says:

    James: Since this story broke, I wonder if Adams has been threated in any way?It might explain his back pedaling.

    Why would anyone threaten Adams when his story doesn’t pass the laugh test? If anything, it only serves to make those who doubt the president’s citizenship look less credible.

  9. Sean says:

    James, you do understand that birth certificate was a practical joke, right?

  10. racosta says:

    It’s amazing how totally phony stories get the birthers so excited. There is no way a clerk in Hawaii can access the voting records of Obama, who at the time was voting and running for office in Chicago, that is totally silly. Clerks in an election office have no access to birth records, that too is totally silly. But birthers like James love the “Totally Silly”, it heightens their hate. By any reasonable measure the Tim Adams story is total bull pupu, yet birthers are falling over themselves in glee. It seems the ability to discern is lacking in birthers. (what’s the next OMG moment, maybe Lakin)
    That acceptance of phony stuff is a mental illness! James, get help!

  11. Steve says:

    And Michael Savage says liberalism is a mental disorder…

  12. misha says:

    Steve: And Michael Savage says liberalism is a mental disorder…

    This from a Jewish man, who is a beneficiary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and liberalism in general. For those who do not know, his real name is Michael Weiner.

  13. That’s very interesting. Robert Gibbs states that he personally has seen Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

  14. thorswitch: but I’d love to know if he actually said “NCIS” or if that was a transcriber’s error

    I went back and listened to it again. He said “NCIS”.

  15. James says:

    One has to wonder how that is possible given the Hawaiin Privacy Laws. Gibbs has never seen Obama’s BC. We,You, I and the world have seen is an online interent image of Obama’s COLB which not the actual Birth certificate. To Date, Hawaii has yet to confirm that what Obama has released was the actual COLB that Hawaii issued to him. The only thing we do know is that Hawaii claims that they have some record that says Obama was born in Hawaii but we have no way of knowing the veracity of that record because of the coverup the Obama Administration as well the State of Hawaii has purpretrated for last 2 years. It is still mystery on exactly where Obama ws born. Les Kinsolving in his questions is dead on right and Gibbs is just dead on wrong or is intentionally being ignorant of the matter. I am sure Gibbs is a smart guy and I find it hard to believe Gibbs is being so stupid on the matter. Gibbs certainly knows more than he saying and definitely not telling Les Kinsolving about it.

  16. Ellid says:

    I can’t imagine that the faculty and staff at Western Kentucky, let alone the students, would be happy to have this lunatic among them, especially with the Stormfront business.

  17. James Gibbs has never seen Obama’s BC. We,You, I and the world have seen is an online interent image of Obama’s COLB which not the actual Birth certificate.

    No, Gibbs says he has seen the birth certificate and that he put it on the Internet. Of course in BirtherVerse “birth certificate” has some strange meaning different from any legal definition in the real universe.

    Cover up by Hawaii? Oh my. If you’re going to claim a cover up by Hawaii, then no birth certificate of any form or age from Hawaii could satisfy you. Further discussion would be a waste of time; one can’t argue against crazy.

  18. Mike says:

    James: One has to wonder how that is possible given the Hawaiin Privacy Laws.Gibbs has never seen Obama’s BC.We,You, I and the world have seen is an online interent image of Obama’s COLB which not the actual Birth certificate.To Date, Hawaii has yet to confirm that what Obama has released was the actual COLB that Hawaii issued to him.The only thing we do know is that Hawaii claims that they have some record that says Obama was born in Hawaii but we have no way of knowing the veracity of that record because of the coverup the Obama Administration as well the State of Hawaii has purpretrated for last 2 years.It is still mystery on exactly where Obama ws born.Les Kinsolving in his questions is dead on right and Gibbs is just dead on wrong or is intentionally being ignorant of the matter.I am sure Gibbs is a smart guy and I find it hard to believe Gibbs is being so stupid on the matter.Gibbs certainly knows more than he saying and definitely not telling Les Kinsolving about it.

    It’th a mythtery!

  19. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Funny how James runs in, posts the latest Birther BS, then runs off without ever defending his posts. Its kinda like he knows he can’t…

  20. James: Gibbs certainly knows more than he [is] saying

    which is preferable to knowing LESS than what one is saying.

  21. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I went back and listened to it again. He said “NCIS”.

    I love NCIS. That’s a terrific show.

    I can just imagine how Gibbs would deal with Larkin…. Brings a smile to my face…

  22. thorswitch says:

    Mine too, Lupin, mine too!

  23. Bovril says:

    What the idiot (this is an observation based on available data and not a slur….) PROBABLY meant was a NICS check.

    The NICS system is the National Instant Criminal Background Check System that was set up for firearms purchase approval checks.

    Alas for Monsieur Muppet, as the City Clerks office is neither al aw enforcement arm nor, last I checked in the process of selling firearms, he would not have access to it.

    Ergo….instant fail

  24. Mary Brown says:

    Right now in Afghanistan young men and women are risking everything as they search for an enemy that does not care if we are liberal or conservative. Mr. Adams needs to take the same risk if he believes that the sitting President is not eligible or is an imposter. I challenge him to reveal details of what he saw and where he saw it. Professional opinions voiced by a clerk and anonymous others are not proof but gossip. Come on Mr. Adams, show the same courage my newphew had in Afghanistan and Iraq. If you really believe evil is afoot that is what you will do. Otherwise I will conclude you are either delusional or a liar.

  25. Sef says:

    Bovril: Ergo….instant fail

    Not necessarily. I’m not sure what HI laws are, but most states don’t allow felons who have not completed their parole to be able to vote. They need a means to ascertain this, hence NICS.

  26. Bovril says:


    Not correct I’m afraid, you are linking the NICS system with background checks as a generic process

    The only folks who get to use NICS (differentiated from accessing the raw data) are law enforcement departments and FFL’s (Federal Firearms Licence holders).

    In addition the laws, as set up by congress around access are very very specific that NICS is ONLY for firearms related issues and all accesses are by indvidual accounts not generic accounts.

    So for example there will be an account and passsword for John Smith of the firearms unit of the NYPD, there is not an anonymous, generic account FUNYPD for the firearms unit for general usage.

    The NICS itself is populated from a variety of data sources, some of these discrete feeds of which may be (in theory) accessible by the Clerks office to determine voter eligibility.

    The NICS system itself is not and cannot by statute be legitimately accessed or used by individuals outside of the two mentioned above.

    The point being made is that Monsieur Muppet has made assumptions and thrown in a misquoted system name in a vain attempt to lend authority and credence.

    Hence “Epic Fail”

  27. Sef says:

    Bovril: Sef,Not correct I’m afraid, you are linking the NICS system with background checks as a generic processThe only folks who get to use NICS (differentiated from accessing the raw data) are law enforcement departments and FFL’s (Federal Firearms Licence holders).In addition the laws, as set up by congress around access are very very specific that NICS is ONLY for firearms related issues and all accesses are by indvidual accounts not generic accounts.
    So for example there will be an account and passsword for John Smith of the firearms unit of the NYPD, there is not an anonymous, generic account FUNYPD for the firearms unit for general usage.The NICS itself is populated from a variety of data sources, some of these discrete feeds of which may be (in theory) accessible by the Clerks office to determine voter eligibility.The NICS system itself is not and cannot by statute be legitimately accessed or used by individuals outside of the two mentioned above.The point being made is that Monsieur Muppet has made assumptions and thrown in a misquoted system name in a vain attempt to lend authority and credence.Hence “Epic Fail”

    As I said I do not know what HI law or process is, but they need some way to ascertain an applicant’s criminal history. I suggested this might be a reason for accessing NICS. Thanks for providing this info on NICS.

  28. Bovril says:

    We live to serve……8-) or in the case of “Yguy” et-al we live to poke with pointy sticks and giggle at the incoherent flailings.

  29. Okay, I blogged on the info you and Oh For Goodness Sake dug up:

    I’ve left it open for Tim to come out and comment. Dunno if I he will, but if I’m right about his motives, he might at least drop by.

    So far we’ve got one birther on board accusing me of a lack of facts. This should be fun 😀

  30. Black Lion says:

    J. Edward Tremlett: Okay, I blogged on the info you and Oh For Goodness Sake dug up:’ve left it open for Tim to come out and comment. Dunno if I he will, but if I’m right about his motives, he might at least drop by. So far we’ve got one birther on board accusing me of a lack of facts. This should be fun

    Great article. And when you see the infamous Sam Sewell, the man with the “steady drip”, you know that you are on the right track. He is one of the foremost birther bloggers. His “job” is to try and discredit the facts. All he posts is nonsense and his site is a joke, just full of rehashed and discredited birther talking points. In an open arena he won’t engage in a debate with you. He likes the moderated birther sites….

  31. Thanks for the props. We’ll see if he cares to respond 🙂

  32. Granite says:

    The tactic, I think, is simply to wait. Adams said that “everybody knew.” If so, he or the birther media can produce someone who will confirm. If not, this is just like the Smith “birth certificate.”

    It has been about a week or so since Adams spoke, and no one has confirmed so far.

  33. Mary Brown says:

    Whenever I hear someone say “everyone knew” I think of the old fashioned term busybodies.

  34. G says:

    Mary Brown: Whenever I hear someone say “everyone knew” I think of the old fashioned term busybodies.

    Me too!

  35. Northland10 says:

    Mary Brown: Whenever I hear someone say “everyone knew” I think of the old fashioned term busybodies.

    This reminds me of the local church politics “inflation of supporters.” “Everyone” usually means myself and maybe one or two others. If somebody has no opinion or does not specifically disagree, they are counted as “everyone.”

    Therefore, one persons walks around coffee hour looking for people who disliked such and such hymn. One person agrees and others do not respond to the question so thus, everyone dislikes the hymn.

  36. bob says:

    Mary Brown: Whenever I hear someone say “everyone knew” I think of the old fashioned term busybodies.

    What I did like was Adams’ proviso: “And everyone’s too afraid to expose Obama’s secret, for fear of losing their jobs [in a republican administration].”

    It was common knowledge, yet unverifiable. Brilliant!

  37. Black Lion says:

    The Post and Fail’s lame attempt to hitch their wagon to the Adams hoax. You wonder when these people are finally going to learn….

    Note how the Post and Fail attempts to call him “Barry Soetero”…You really can’t make this stuff up….

    “As World Net Daily has recently reported, Tim Adams, a 2008 senior elections clerk for the Honolulu district, has contended that he was told that there is no long-form birth certificate for Obama, contrary to what Hawaii officials have publicly stated.”

    Nothing like quoting WND as a source….

    “There appears to be a desire by more than just a few “birthers” to actually settle the matter in question. On one hand, the Constitutional requirement for the office of President and Vice President of the United States is clearly spelled out as “natural born Citizen.” Obama’s lack of qualifications has already been answered in his book, Dreams From My Father, in which he allegedly spoke of his past and the fact that his father was a Kenyan/British citizen. That would have made Obama/Soetoro a British citizen as well at birth. Barack Obama Sr. was never a U.S. citizen; he only obtained a temporary student visa. The complete silence of Congress on this vetting procedure is perplexing.”

    Just as a note we really don’t know if Mr. Obama Sr. had only a student visa. We don’t know if he ever became a citizen. Did anyone ever look into that? Just wondering…

    “But then, on the other hand, there is a question about what real documentation verifies the hidden past of Barry Soetero. There is an abundant supply of speculation regarding his past. To further complicate matters, the lack of disclosure of all past school records, passport information, actual long-form birth certificate, and adoption papers fuels the debate about his eligibility and authenticity. The campaign trail was stoked by speeches and promises of transparency and open dealings within his future administration. And yet, before the first full day in office was completed, an executive order was signed sealing all records to his past.”

    More funny stuff by the Post and Fail…

    “Many speeches later, Obama’s consistent media presence leaves many voters of both parties and some in the media trying to match his words with actions that reveal just the opposite. One fact is certain: he holds the office of POTUS based on what “we the people” DON’T know about him. The diligence of the fourth estate in fact finding and reporting is to be commended. The heightened awareness concerning the Constitutional qualifications for president is at an all-time high with copies of the Constitution flying off bookstore shelves as well as online order houses. The citizens of this once great country are being challenged by a “fundamental transformation.” An increase in court filings and FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests seems to be occurring. The refusal of orders by a decorated flight surgeon who is now preparing for court martial over his doubts about the legitimacy of the de facto commander-in-chief is raising even more awareness among the people.

    As the facts become known, and the diligence of the new media which seeks to find the truth continues unabated, it would behoove many traditional journalists to acquire the focus and tenacity to cover what is unpopular and still unresolved. May the truth in facts bear out what has yet to be revealed on the mystery of Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama.”

    And the usual humorous comments…

    yo says:
    Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 9:05 AM
    A senior elections officer in Hawaii, someone whose specific job was to verify the citizenship of people who sent in write-in votes, says that he knows first-hand that the hospitals have nothing and that his supervisors specifically told him that there is no birth certificate………and yet not one major news outlet would cover it. Neither Fox nor Drudge would cover it either.

    Thank God for the internet and the new media.

    Salve says:
    Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 6:45 AM
    According to my specific knowledge, the executive order signed by Barack Hussein Obama on 21 January 2009 (?) that prohibits the release of documents pertaining to Barack Hussein Obama concerns those documents that pertain to Barack Hussein Obama from the day Barack Hussein Obama took the oath of office. The executive order in question does not, or should not pertain to those documents that are part of the public domain, although sealed, before 20 January 2009. I remember reading an opinion by Leo Donofrio that presents the same or a similar legal judgment. Of course, Mr. Donofrio would know more about the matter than I know. Perhaps the Post&Email should interview Mr. Donofrio concerning this legal question. Furthermore, since the Constitution for the United States of America, Article II, Paragraph 1, Clause 5, explicitly states that Barack Hussein Obama cannot have the position which Barack Hussein Obama now illegally occupies, then the bogus status means that Barack Hussein Obama’s signature to the executive order, just like his oath of office, is null and void, does it not?


    This one is especially funny….

    Trac says:
    Monday, June 14, 2010 at 10:17 PM
    Tom the Vet: YES I too have prayed that Mr. Adams be protected and not meet an untimely death, although I’m sure he’ll be investigated’ and every detail of his life drug through the mud like Joe the Plumber’s life was.

    What is unclear to me though is how much weight exactly will “he was told that there is no long-form birth certificate for Obama” carry?
    Told by whom? Under what circumstances? Will it just be dismissed as office rumor?
    I mean I believe the guy and I’m sure it is 100% true but so? I’m just an American citizen that nobody in “power” listens to.

    But the winner is Tom….For thinking a alleged felon is sometype of hero….He think that Lt. was his rank, not realizing that was the guys name. He was not an officer nor was he “killed” for looking at passport records. He was involved in ID theft and fraud. It seems like the birthers like to allign themselves with the criminal element…

    Tom the veteran says:
    Monday, June 14, 2010 at 7:31 PM
    I certainly hope Mr. Adams has some personal protection! Remember what happened to Lt. Quarles Harris, the person investigation Obama’s passport?
    Shot dead!
    Pray for the safety of Mr. Adams and pray we can finally expose this usurping Socialist Muslim!

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