Birther freed pending trial

So reads a headline from the Knoxville News Sentinel.

An alleged Georgia militiaman [Darren Wesley Huff] arrested on federal charges in what authorities describe as a scheme to seize the Monroe County courthouse and make a series of citizen’s arrests for treason has been freed pending trial.

The Associated Press said:

An FBI affidavit says Huff came to Tennessee on April 20 to help a Sweetwater man [Walter Fitzpatrick] charged after he tried to arrest a grand jury foreman who refused to indict President Barack Obama on treason charges.

Also see this article at the Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored blog.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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28 Responses to Birther freed pending trial

  1. Sean says:

    I like walking up to people in a courthouse and grabbing them as I say “This is a citizen’s arrest!”

  2. NbC says:

    Sean: I like walking up to people in a courthouse and grabbing them as I say “This is a citizen’s arrest!”

    A great pickup line 🙂

  3. AnotherBird says:

    Let us hope that he doesn’t try to do it again, because it will be just to funny to keep a straight face.

  4. Daniel says:

    As i’ve pointed out before, today’s conspiracy whackos are tomorrow’s terrorists. If you look at the history of any terrorist organization you’ll find a conspiracy group, frustrated by a lack of public support, taking up arms to MAKE people believe.

    Next time they might not be just showing up with guns, they’ll be showing up shooting.

  5. Black Lion says:

    The Post and Fail is getting desperate. We all know that they scrape the bottom of the barrel in regards to making up things to smear the President with, but this is kind of ridiculous….

    “Obama has apparently confirmed what many have suspected since the presidential campaign: that he is a Muslim, not a “committed Christian,” as he professed during the presidential campaign.

    The periodical Israel Today has reported that in a private meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Obama told Gheit that he is a Muslim. The exchange was aired on Nile TV.”

    Interesting. You would think that if this so called evidence did exist, that the Post and Fail and the other sites would be playing the video all of the time….

    And of course the usual seditious comments from the peanut gallery….

    Tom the veteran says:
    Monday, June 14, 2010 at 12:16 PM
    This usurper IS the enemy, and he is systematically deconstrunting America piece by piece. Where is the Resistance? Where can I find the restore America Patriot underground? The very government that was established as a safeguard to protect our Rights has turned against us and is now attacking us and taking those Rights away!

    Freedom is just one generation away from being lost forever!

    rick says:
    Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 8:15 PM
    he must be taken out in cuffs, along with the long list of co-conspirators and hanged AT leavenworth! joint chiefs, supreme court, the 111th congress and every ceo of every major media news org., with all the rest of the traitors imprisoned. the evidence cannot be refuted, as none have tried. i researched barry soetero AKA steve dunham AKA barack obama in 06′, joined american grand jury and voted to indict on all counts. that was even without ALL the evidence. the truth will win. judge napolitano was given an hour show on fox, i will fill his inbox incessently and hope all who read this comment will follow suit. end

  6. Ellid says:

    Wait, who is this “Steve Dunham” person?

  7. racosta says:

    “The periodical Israel Today has reported that in a private meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Obama told Gheit that he is a Muslim. The exchange was aired on Nile TV.”
    that’s strange, not a hint of this story is on “Israel Today”. Nor is any such story covered by Nile TV. Is this a made up Birther Story? THey wouldn’t just make stuff up, would they?

  8. SFJeff says:

    “joint chiefs, supreme court, the 111th congress and every ceo of every major media news org., with all the rest of the traitors imprisoned.”

    69 million voters plus- that is going to have to take a big prison.

  9. Black Lion quotes the Post and Email blog: “The periodical Israel Today has reported that in a private meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Obama told Gheit that he is a Muslim. The exchange was aired on Nile TV.”

    OK, help me out here. How is it that a “private meeting” is “aired on … TV”? This is about as nonsensical as Kenyan officials openly admitting that Obama’s birth certificate is “top secret.”


  10. BatGuano says:

    racosta: “The periodical Israel Today has reported that in a private meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Obama told Gheit that he is a Muslim. The exchange was aired on Nile TV.”

    the first mention of this ( that i can find ) is from january 18 of this year. i few posts pop up but they all seem to be quoting from the same source ( not sure what the original source is ). then nothing till the israel today article from april 29

    a few more posts around that time then……. nothing again till 5 days ago.

    would be interesting to figure out the skinny on this one.

  11. So Israel Today says: “The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV.

    What’s wrong with this picture? Compare “told me in confidence” and “said on Nile TV”. Foreign ministers don’t break confidences like that. It’s false on the face of it.

  12. Mike says:

    Wow… Is Israel Today’s editorial stance simply “All whackjob, all the time”?

  13. Daniel says:

    Mike: Wow… Is Israel Today’s editorial stance simply “All whackjob, all the time”?

    Think “National Enquirer”

  14. Dave says:

    About this Israel Today story, I found this, the May 2010 issue, and on page 12 has an article “Obama and the Muslim Agenda” by Victor Mordecai. I would characterize the article as a piece of complete lunacy — I never heard of Israel Today before, so I don’t know if this is typical. In this article, he says:

    My wife Rachel, who monitors Arab language broadcasts for Israel Radio, picked up a revealing statement on the “Round Table Show” on Egypt’s Nile TV. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, who told him that he was a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father and stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Muslims, and that he was sympathetic to the Muslim agenda. He asked the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American issues (like healthcare reform), he would show the Muslim world how he would deal with Israel.

    So there you have his source — his wife told him so.

    He also says in this article:

    Today, the United States has a president by the name of Mubarack Hussein Obama. Until proven otherwise I believe he is a Muslim.

    Like I said, lunacy.

  15. BatGuano says:

    Dave: About this Israel Today story….

    thanks dave.

    i may have been wrong about the january 18 date. altho they are listed on google as being from that time closer inspection show that they link to very recent posts.

    this seems to be the most common:

    sorry to go off topic doc but……. this seems to be burning up the birther-web right now so it may deserve it’s own article/thread.

  16. Daniel says:

    He also says in this article:

    Today, the United States has a president by the name of Mubarack Hussein Obama. Until proven otherwise I believe he is a Muslim.

    Like I said, lunacy.

    Today the Birthers have a new leader in Victor Mordecai. Until proven otherwise I believe he is an invisible purple spotted unicorn from Betelguese IV.

    What? You mean my idle speculation isn’t enough proof in and of itself?

    Damned Obots….. 😉

  17. Dave says:

    Here’s another, apparently a different version of the same article. Oddly with by-line Avi Lipkin — apparently this is his real name, and Victor Mordecai is a pen-name. Adds the detail that the broadcast was Jan 14-18.

    I can’t find anybody who claims to have heard this Nile-TV broadcast, other than this guy’s wife. Anybody heard this story before? You might have thought some wingnuts would’ve discussed this earlier, if anyone else in the world heard the TV show.

  18. Black Lion says:

    BatGuano: thanks dave. i may have been wrong about the january 18 date. altho they are listed on google as being from that time closer inspection show that they link to very recent posts.this seems to be the most common: to go off topic doc but……. this seems to be burning up the birther-web right now so it may deserve it’s own article/thread.

    Amazing. Leave it to the Post and Fail to find a site as dubious in checking sources or evidence as itself. The article is predicated on hearsay and nonsense. And once Pam Geller got ahold of it, she would make sure it went viral. The birther mind is a interesting place. It is a place where unsubstantiated hearsay is evidence and actual evidence by American officals needs to be proved well beyond a reasonable doubt. Sometimes I think we are in that alternate world shown to us in the Star Trek episode “Mirror MIrror”, the one where Spock has a beard and the Federation is evil.

  19. katahdin says:

    Did you know that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990? It’s true, until proven otherwise.

    Did you know that Sarah Palin’s youngest child is actually the son of Todd Palin and a 13-year-old hooker? It’s true, until proven otherwise.

    Did you know that Rush Limpbaugh goes to the Dominican Republic to mess around with little boys? It’s true, until proven otherwise.

    I love this game. It’s fun!

  20. BatGuano says:

    Sometimes I think we are in that alternate world shown to us in the Star Trek episode “Mirror MIrror”, the one where Spock has a beard and the Federation is evil.

    speaking as someone that has a full dark goatee ……. hope not.

  21. Black Lion says:

    BatGuano: speaking as someone that has a full dark goatee ……. hope not.

    In that scenario your “evil double” would be cleanshaven and believe in all of the nonsensical garbarge that the birthers like to write….So you would be OK….

  22. milspec says:

    Think “National Enquirer”

    National Enquirer has higher standards.

  23. BatGuano says:

    Black Lion:
    In that scenario your “evil double” ……

    a few years back i was working for a pop publication and we were trying to dissect the new popularity of the goatee . beat-nick, jazz womb broom, shaving laziness, ….. the most popular answer was ” evil spock “.

  24. BatGuano says:

    katahdin: Did you know that ……

  25. BatGuano says:

    katahdin: Did you know that Glenn Beck…….

    i get the concept behind these attacks but………… they are counter-productive in this forum.

  26. BatGuano: this seems to be burning up the birther-web right now so it may deserve it’s own article/thread.


  27. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    katahdin: Did you know that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990? It’s true, until proven otherwise.Did you know that Sarah Palin’s youngest child is actually the son of Todd Palin and a 13-year-old hooker? It’s true, until proven otherwise.Did you know that Rush Limpbaugh goes to the Dominican Republic to mess around with little boys? It’s true, until proven otherwise.I love this game. It’s fun!

    Actually the last one might not be that far off. Remember Limbaugh was caught with Viagra coming back from a Men’s retreat in the Domonican Republic

  28. Ellid says:

    What I found amusing was Limbaugh’s threat to move to Costa Rica if health care reform passed. He seemed unaware that Costa Rica has universal, publicly funded health care, no army, and a ban on drug addicts emigrating to their nice little country.

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