Hawaii Legislator says the birther issue will “go away”

The State of Hawaii was pestered by birthers to the point that the Legislature passed a law allowing state agencies to ignore repeated requests for the same information from the same people. The Department reports that although the law has never been invoked, requests have fallen off sharply to just  2-3 per week, according an article from the Associated Press yesterday.

Rep. Gene Ward

Although the new Hawaii law allowing duplicative requests to be ignored may have discouraged people from asking, the drop-off in inquiries may be a natural outcome nearly two years after Obama was elected, said Republican state Rep. Gene Ward, who believes Obama was born in Hawaii.”These kind of birther issues aren’t what they were fresh after the election,” said Ward, who voted against this year’s legislation on open government grounds. “There are so many things that were residuals of the election, and this is just one that’s carried on longer than usual. Eventually, it will go away.”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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26 Responses to Hawaii Legislator says the birther issue will “go away”

  1. BatGuano says:

    a bit off topic but……

    please ! to all politicians. lose the flag lapel pin. once it became obligatory it honestly became a mockery.

    i was raised to believe that patriotism wasn’t the act of being proud of one’s country but doing acts so that your country would be proud of you.

  2. Majority Will says:

    BatGuano: a bit off topic but……please ! to all politicians. lose the flag lapel pin. once it became obligatory it honestly became a mockery.i was raised to believe that patriotism wasn’t the act of being proud of one’s country but doing acts so that your country would be proud of you.


  3. misha says:

    Obama is paying him off. (SA)

  4. Sef says:

    BatGuano: a bit off topic but……please ! to all politicians. lose the flag lapel pin. once it became obligatory it honestly became a mockery.i was raised to believe that patriotism wasn’t the act of being proud of one’s country but doing acts so that your country would be proud of you.

    I would love to know the number of flags in DC on Jan 20 & 21, 2009. It was a beautiful sight.

  5. misha says:

    BatGuano: to all politicians. lose the flag lapel pin. once it became obligatory it honestly became a mockery.

    Here’s the complete story:

  6. Majority Will says:

    I would love to know the number of flags in DC on Jan 20 & 21, 2009.It was a beautiful sight.

    1,634,238 within the District. 🙂


    In my own empirical experience, what Mr. Ward says is true. I have been going to a Faux News forum for the past two to three years to get my daily birther abuse fix, and the discussion of the topic has dropped off dramatically, especially since Taitz’s DC case was tossed out. It started right after the Santa Ana case was tossed but very noticeable after the DC case. Now there are only a few there who will discuss it at all. They repeatedly shot themselves in the foot by making predictions every thirty days or predicting that by the next holiday, whatever it was, that President Obama would either resign or be removed from office because of this silly issue. They have made so many promises and predictions that have not come true that hardly anyone believes anything they say anymore.

  8. Majority Will says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: In my own empirical experience, what Mr. Ward says is true. I have been going to a Faux News forum for the past two to three years to get my daily birther abuse fix, and the discussion of the topic has dropped off dramatically, especially since Taitz’s DC case was tossed out. It started right after the Santa Ana case was tossed but very noticeable after the DC case. Now there are only a few there who will discuss it at all. They repeatedly shot themselves in the foot by making predictions every thirty days or predicting that by the next holiday, whatever it was, that President Obama would either resign or be removed from office because of this silly issue. They have made so many promises and predictions that have not come true that hardly anyone believes anything they say anymore.

    IMNSHO, the vocal few of the hardcore birthers still haunting threads on the web are mentally challenged and/or outright insane.


    I agree, Will. There are also the racist haunting the web who will never drop it even if the seriously delusional ones do.


    I guess that’s really a distinction without a difference, huh?

  11. Majority Will says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: I agree, Will. There are also the racist haunting the web who will never drop it even if the seriously delusional ones do.

    Sad but true. Topix.com stopped being moderated long ago. Assassination threats and blatant racism is not unusual on its birther threads.

  12. Majority Will says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: I guess that’s really a distinction without a difference, huh?

    Yep. 🙂

  13. AnotherBird says:

    Majority Will:
    IMNSHO, the vocal few of the hardcore birthers still haunting threads on the web are mentally challenged and/or outright insane.

    Some are rational people, but have gotten themselves in a position that they can’t admit that they are wrong. Nothing will satisfy birthers. They don’t even realize that they are being irrational on this particular issue.

    Imagine some just can’t take no for an answer.

  14. Majority Will says:

    Re: Rep. Gene Ward

    It’s hard to trust anyone with a George Bush grin.

  15. ellid says:

    Now all the haters are screaming about immigrants. I feel like telling them unless they, like me, can trace their families at least as far back before the Revolution, they should shut up.

    I also would very much like to ask Tom Tancredo what gives him the right to call himself “white,” since he’s Italian and thus not a good 100% American WASP with a good 100% American WASP name.

  16. Black Lion says:

    Good article by Mike Lupica in the NY Daily News….

    Republican Party starts to kill its own: S.C. Rep. Bob Inglis ousted for not hating Obama enough

    “There are landmarks all over our city named after LaGuardia and Javits and Rockefeller, names out of the city’s great Republican past, when the party was one of intelligence, not fear-mongering and hate. When its membership included even the great name put to the Jackie Robinson Parkway.

    The current Republican Party, one hijacked by hustlers and extremists, not only looks to destroy President Obama. It even starts to kill its own.

    Rep. Bob Inglis, a voice of reason at a dumb, unreasonable time in American politics, is one of them. Inglis (R-S.C.) will be out of a job soon for not hating Barack Obama nearly enough. The irony, he says, is that he disagrees with Obama on almost everything.

    Inglis, a conservative Republican from a state so red you worry it might set itself on fire, used to go after Bill Clinton with everything he had. But these days he comes up an even better American than a Republican, speaking his own mind, refusing to join a chorus of idiots and call Obama his enemy, or an enemy of the state. Inglis’ state or anybody else’s.

    “I figured out early in the race I was taking a risk by being unwilling to call the President a socialist,” Inglis says. “I’d get asked a question and they’d all wait to see if I’d use the word – socialist – they were throwing around. I wouldn’t. Because I don’t think that’s what he is.

    “To call him a socialist is to demean the office and stir up a passion that we need to be calming, rather than constantly stirring up.”

    Listen to the guy. He doesn’t sound like some sore loser. Instead, Bob Inglis sounds like the ignored conscience of an increasingly crackpot party.

    He makes quiet sense in a dumb, loud, dangerous time in American politics. He leaves Congress the first week of January, having just been clobbered in a primary runoff by a Tea Party guy named Trey Gowdy who constantly attacked Inglis for not being conservative enough, even though Inglis has a 93% lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union.

    This isn’t about Inglis not being conservative enough. It’s about him not hating Obama enough. In the eyes of the self-appointed, self-anointed defenders of our virtue, that clearly means he doesn’t love America enough.

    “A colleague of mine from the House said to me recently her father once told her leaders can either lead or mislead,” Inglis says.

    “What we are seeing these days is so much misleading. They say one outlandish thing after another about the President and that gives license to others to say even worse things.

    “When you have one of our so-called leaders saying that Obama is a socialist, then others feel empowered to dial up the rhetoric and call him a Marxist. Or a Communist. Then you have something worse than words, you have the dehumanizing and demonizing of the President of the United States. And when that happens across history, scary things can happen.”

    Inglis is smart enough to know it wasn’t just his refusal to call the President names that turned him into one more unemployed American. He voted for TARP and against the surge in Iraq and even called out Glenn Beck, a rough, tough media guy who thinks ad hominem attacks are great until he’s the hominem.

    In the primary runoff, Inglis’ opponent got 71% of the vote. It’s never just one thing when you get carried out of the ring like that.

    “I was at a breakfast and somebody said the President wasn’t patriotic,” Inglis says. “I knew I was supposed to go along. Instead, I got up and said, ‘That’s simply not true. I disagree with this President most of the time, but he loves his country.’ Afterward a big Republican operative in our state grabbed me and said, ‘Don’t give him that.’ I said, ‘Give him what?’ And the guy said, ‘That he’s patriotic.’

    “Why do I have to see Democrats as my enemies? I’ve got Al Qaeda. I’ve got the Taliban. I’ve got enough enemies. I’m supposed to call this President despicable? The people who are despicable are the ones who constantly mislead the public in the interest of selling books. Or themselves. And always cloaking themselves in patriotism. Shame on them.”

    He laughs softly.

    “But then what do I know?” Bob Inglis says. “I lost.”

    His district did. His state did. His party did. He did not.”


  17. Dave says:

    ellid: Now all the haters are screaming about immigrants.I feel like telling them unless they, like me, can trace their families at least as far back before the Revolution, they should shut up.

    This is something that’s been bugging me. Although there’s no chance anyone’s going to pass a Constitutional amendment changing the definition of citizenship to requiring citizen parents, it would make proving citizenship difficult for those of us whose ancestors have been in the country a while. With a one-citizen-parent rule it would be difficult, with a two-citizen-parent rule almost impossible. For immigrant ancestors you’d have to find evidence of their naturalization, but before 1906 naturalization could take place in any court — federal, state, or local — and records were not sent to any federal agency, they were just filed in the court.

    And if you start making citizenship depend on ancestry who also open the question of what’s the basis of citizenship for people descended from slaves.

    I haven’t seen frinstance text of a proposed amendment, but if it said everyone born here before today is a citizen, it would remove these problems, but also make quite manifest the hypocrisy of the whole thing.

  18. Black Lion says:

    Could the “birther” movement be fading away?

    Hawaii says requests for President Obama’s birth certificate have declined dramatically since Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law a bill that allowed the state to ignore repeated demands for the document.

    The number of requests has dropped from 10-20 a week to only two or three since the law passed in May, The Associated Press reports.

    “We have a handful of repeat requesters, but they know about the law,” said Janice Okubo, a Department of Health spokesperson.

    Speculation about the President’s birthplace has continued on the Internet for nearly two years, despite evidence that he was born in the nation’s 50th state in 1961.

    “Birthers,” generally considered a fringe movement consisting of conspiracy theorists, have been criticized by Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and CNN’s Anderson Cooper, among others.

    Followers of the largely discredited argument claim Obama was actually born in Kenya. A birth certificate that surfaced online purporting he was born there was later proven to be fake. A “news story” about Obama spending millions to hide his birth certificate was also later shown to be false.

    The Obama campaign posted a copy of his “certificate of live birth,” which is similar to a birth certificate, online in 2008. Photos of the document were later posted on the Internet.

    Hawaii doesn’t issue paper copies of birth certificates, but officials have confirmed that Obama was in fact born in Hawaii.

    Despite all this, a CNN poll suggests some people still have their doubts.

    Forty-two percent of those questioned say Obama was “definitely born in the U.S.,” while 29-percent say he “probably” was. Eleven percent said he “definitely born in another country.”

    With News Wire Services


  19. Lupin says:

    Black Lion: “Why do I have to see Democrats as my enemies? I’ve got Al Qaeda. I’ve got the Taliban. I’ve got enough enemies. I’m supposed to call this President despicable? The people who are despicable are the ones who constantly mislead the public in the interest of selling books. Or themselves. And always cloaking themselves in patriotism. Shame on them.”


    At this point, you’re dangerously close to the point where your electoral choice is reduced to a pro-business Democratic Party, and a bunch of lunatics, which of course is no choice at all.

  20. Black Lion says:

    From the Post and Fail, an interesting display of dishonest journalism…Which for them is par for the course….


    The Post & Email was contacted several days ago by reporter Mark Niesse of the Associated Press about “Barack Obama’s birth certificate” as indicated in his story published today on the Associated Press’s main website.

    Because we wish to report the news rather than be a part of the news, we declined a formal interview with Mr. Niesse. However, he accurately reported our response to him, which stated, “No one here is requesting Obama’s birth certificate, since it is obvious that he doesn’t possess a valid one.”

    His initial email is as follows:

    I am a reporter for The Associated Press in Honolulu writing because I want to contact Sharon Rondeau for an article about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. The article is about a new state law allowing the Department of Health to ignore repeated requests for Obama’s birth certificate.
    Please call me at 808-536-5510, or e-mail me at mniesse@ap.org.
    Thank you. –Mark Niesse, AP-Honolulu

    And our response was:

    Hello, Mr. Niesse, as the editor of the paper, I do not give interviews. I am aware of the “Vexatious Requester” law, and no one here is requesting Obama’s birth certificate, since it is obvious that he doesn’t possess a valid one. Thank you for your interest in The Post & Email, Inc.

    Sharon Rondeau
    The Post & Email, Inc.

    Mr. Niesse then asked if we could identify others who have requested information on Obama from the Hawaii Department of Health, but we declined, as The Post & Email does not divulge personal information to third parties, nor do we identify groups or organizations who may or may not be investigating the facts behind Obama’s birth.

    The article claims that the “Department of Health has offered to provide hundreds of sheets of index data if requesters will pay for it. At 25 cents per page, the 1961 birth index data would cost $98.75. So far, no one has paid for the papers.”

    The Post & Email can confirm that the Department of Health’s statement that “no one has paid for the papers” is patently false, and they know it.

    For the record, The Post & Email has never requested Obama’s “Hawaii birth certificate,” as we are aware that vital records are protected by Hawaii state law. Mr. John Charlton, Founder and Editor Emeritus of The Post & Email, had requested index data and been stonewalled by Hawaii Department of Health Communications Director Janice Okubo.

    In his article, Mr. Niesse stated, “State Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued statements last year and in October 2008 saying that she’s seen and verified Obama’s original vital records. Obama celebrated his 49th birthday on Wednesday.” While it is true that Dr. Fukino has made two public statements about Obama’s birth records, she and the Hawaii Health Department have refused to comply with their state’s UIPA law which mandates that public statements of public servants be backed up by presenting the accompanying index data used to prepare the statements. Both Dr. Fukino and Janice Okubo are in violation of that law.

    Moreoever, the eligibility of Obama to hold the office of president is not contingent on where he was born. By his own admission, he was born a British subject and at best, with dual British-U.S. citizenship due to his Kenyan father. A dual citizen does not meet the definition of “natural born Citizen” as put forth by the Framers of the nation in the U.S. Constitution.

    The Post & Email recently interviewed a native Indonesian who affirmed that Obama’s school registration form from Indonesia stated that he was an Indonesian citizen. He also stated that the name “Soebarkah” was most likely bestowed upon Obama when he was officially adopted by his Indonesian stepfather, as an adoption and change of citizenship were required for Obama and his mother to reside in Indonesia at that time.”

    Amazing….Halfway through the article and the Post and Fail has lied on numerous occasions….You have to wonder who would actually read anything they write and believe it unless you were already a hardcore birther and just looking for confirmation bias….

    Compounding the doubts about Obama’s “natural born Citizen” status is the fact that highly-placed Kenyan officials claim that he was born there. Several African newspapers reported it as fact long before the 2008 presidential election, and a British newspaper reported it recently.

    Even left-leaning commentator Chris Mathews stated that Obama was born in a foreign country.

    Not one U.S. hospital claims the birth of the “first black president.” Why not?

    Why won’t Dr. Fukino and Janice Okubo provide index data to support the public statements they have made about Obama’s birth records? Why won’t Governor Lingle, who claimed several months ago that Obama was born at Kapiolani Medical Center? Why do reports exist which state that he was born at Queens Medical Center from the time when he was a senator? Why won’t Kapiolani verify Lingle’s claim? Why did Kapiolani publish an electronic “letter” from Obama stating his birthplace there but remove it when confronted? Why has the media previously reported that Obama was born in two different hospitals? Moreover, Obama’s minions refuse to answer the question, or are unable to.

    What the mainstream media fails to report is that there are five different ways for a person to obtain a Certification of Live Birth from the Hawaii Department of Health, including as an adult. Particularly in the 1960s when there were numerous immigrants coming in to the new state, a child born in a foreign country could have been registered with the Health Department based on the statement of a relative with no supporting documentation required.

    A very detailed report written by Dr. Ron Polland claims that the “document” originally published by Politifact, Factcheck and Daily KOS was a forgery.”

    And then to compound things by referencing unsubstantiated comments, stating their opinion of the law without referencing the actual law, and most of all referencing the debunked and eviserated crap that Polarik wrote as some sort of real research….Amazing….

    “Mario Apuzzo, who has a background in citizenship law, describes a “natural born Citizen” as one born in the country to two citizen parents based on the writings of Emmerich de Vattel, whose work provided a framework for the U.S. Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution.

    The Post & Email seeks the truth about Obama’s birth, his childhood, on what passport he traveled when he visited Pakistan in 1981, his allegiance, and whether or not, given all of the questions which he has refused to answer, he qualifies as an Article II, Section 1, paragraph 5 “natural born Citizen.”

    It is doubtful that the Hawaii Department of Health can address all of these questions. However, it is obvious that they have agreed to hide Obama’s records from the American people for an unknown reason behind their state’s privacy laws. There has been no other occupant of the White House, the people’s house, who has denied the public access to his personal records.

    Why the Hawaii Health Department and others continue to protect Obama should be the question on every single American’s mind as an 18-year Army medical doctor faces court martial over their obfuscation and lies.”

    This is funniest piece of fiction that the Post and Fail has ever produced. The amount of lies and innuendo would have made the old USSR proud. And the Mario reference with his failed court cases and unsubstantiated legal “analysis”, pure comedy. I think Rondeau should take her comedic writing on the road.

    And look who shows up in the comments….Not much of a surprise….

    nc1 says:
    Monday, August 9, 2010 at 3:53 AM
    The AP story was posted here as well:

    In the AP article Okubo offered to sell the index data for year 1961 to anyone willing to pay $98.

    She admitted that birth index data contains the year of birth. It contradicts the earlier response from DoH. Why did they provide index data without specifying Obama’s year of birth in their original response?

    What other part(s) of birth index data have they refused to release to public?
    Why do they hide the registration number?

    Later on Rondeau writes….

    Mrs. Rondeau replies: The Post & Email has requested information from the DOH, but not Obama’s birth certificate. It appears to me that the AP, like the rest of the mainstream media, is participating in a disinformation campaign to make it appear that people are asking for something that they know they cannot obtain. We are not. Okubo is a story-teller who will one day be exposed for the tales she has spun. Why hasn’t she challenged Dr. Polland’s video which claims that her COLB was used to create Obama’s? That is a very serious charge, yet she has not refuted it.

    And a Polarik supporter….I guess they do exist….

    SapphireSunday says:
    Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 11:45 AM
    Why hasn’t she refuted Dr. Polland’s “very serious” charges? That’s an excellent point.

    Imho, it’s because she cannot or dare not. Polland is quite direct in his accusations. If the subject of his accusations were innocent, one would expect the person to defend his or her honor.

    There are laws against libel and slander, except that the person making the accusation has to know that the accusation is false. Am I right?

    In Dr. Polland’s case, he’s pretty confident that he’s right and I also believe that he’s correct. If they dared to challenge him, either in the press or in the courts, then in the first instance–the press–he’d be able to present his case to a wider audience, which they certainly don’t want. In the second case–the courts–he’d be allowed discovery and they would have to prove that what he says is false. And that he knew that it was false. They most certainly don’t want that, either. The facts aren’t in their favor.

    As stated by T. Diane Cejka, Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, in a letter to Mr. Kenneth Allen explaining redactions from Lolo Soetoro’s files: “In deciding the disclosure disposition of those documents containing personal details lifted from the lives of private individuals, the documents were closely scrutinized in an effort to identify any public benefit to be gained from their disclosure. It was ultimately determined that no discernable public gain would be achieved from the disclosure of the information subject to this review. On the other hand, the potential private harm that could be suffered as a result of the release of this information was found not only to be tangible, but also SIGNIFICANT AND REASONABLY PROBABLE [emphasis added throughout quote]. In the case of these documents, the potential PRIVATE HARM stemming from their release was determined to clearly outweigh the TOTAL absence of any public benefit to be gained from such disclosure. Consistent with this analysis, it has been concluded that the release of the subject information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of the individual(s) to whom it pertains. The USCIS, therefore, must deny your request for access to this information under the authority of FOIA exemption (b)(6).”

    The redacted pages were Lolo’s tax returns, wage statements, and evidence concerning the citizenship status of “applicant’s” step-child. That is the only person mentioned in these documents who remains alive. Therefore, something within those papers would most definitely cause “significant and reasonably probable” harm to that individual, who it seems is being protected by persons within his own administration.

  21. Black Lion says:

    Black Lion 09. Aug, 2010 at 12:11 pm Black Lion(Quote) #
    From the Post and Fail, an interesting display of dishonest journalism…Which for them is par for the course….


    The Post & Email was contacted several days ago by reporter Mark Niesse of the Associated Press about “Barack Obama’s birth certificate” as indicated in his story published today on the Associated Press’s main website.

    Because we wish to report the news rather than be a part of the news, we declined a formal interview with Mr. Niesse. However, he accurately reported our response to him, which stated, “No one here is requesting Obama’s birth certificate, since it is obvious that he doesn’t possess a valid one.”

    His initial email is as follows:

    I am a reporter for The Associated Press in Honolulu writing because I want to contact Sharon Rondeau for an article about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. The article is about a new state law allowing the Department of Health to ignore repeated requests for Obama’s birth certificate.
    Please call me at 808-536-5510, or e-mail me at
    Thank you. –Mark Niesse, AP-Honolulu

    And our response was:

    Hello, Mr. Niesse, as the editor of the paper, I do not give interviews. I am aware of the “Vexatious Requester” law, and no one here is requesting Obama’s birth certificate, since it is obvious that he doesn’t possess a valid one. Thank you for your interest in The Post & Email, Inc.

    Sharon Rondeau
    The Post & Email, Inc.

    Mr. Niesse then asked if we could identify others who have requested information on Obama from the Hawaii Department of Health, but we declined, as The Post & Email does not divulge personal information to third parties, nor do we identify groups or organizations who may or may not be investigating the facts behind Obama’s birth.

    The article claims that the “Department of Health has offered to provide hundreds of sheets of index data if requesters will pay for it. At 25 cents per page, the 1961 birth index data would cost $98.75. So far, no one has paid for the papers.”

    The Post & Email can confirm that the Department of Health’s statement that “no one has paid for the papers” is patently false, and they know it.

    For the record, The Post & Email has never requested Obama’s “Hawaii birth certificate,” as we are aware that vital records are protected by Hawaii state law. Mr. John Charlton, Founder and Editor Emeritus of The Post & Email, had requested index data and been stonewalled by Hawaii Department of Health Communications Director Janice Okubo.

    In his article, Mr. Niesse stated, “State Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued statements last year and in October 2008 saying that she’s seen and verified Obama’s original vital records. Obama celebrated his 49th birthday on Wednesday.” While it is true that Dr. Fukino has made two public statements about Obama’s birth records, she and the Hawaii Health Department have refused to comply with their state’s UIPA law which mandates that public statements of public servants be backed up by presenting the accompanying index data used to prepare the statements. Both Dr. Fukino and Janice Okubo are in violation of that law.

    Moreoever, the eligibility of Obama to hold the office of president is not contingent on where he was born. By his own admission, he was born a British subject and at best, with dual British-U.S. citizenship due to his Kenyan father. A dual citizen does not meet the definition of “natural born Citizen” as put forth by the Framers of the nation in the U.S. Constitution.

    The Post & Email recently interviewed a native Indonesian who affirmed that Obama’s school registration form from Indonesia stated that he was an Indonesian citizen. He also stated that the name “Soebarkah” was most likely bestowed upon Obama when he was officially adopted by his Indonesian stepfather, as an adoption and change of citizenship were required for Obama and his mother to reside in Indonesia at that time.”

    Amazing….Halfway through the article and the Post and Fail has lied on numerous occasions….You have to wonder who would actually read anything they write and believe it unless you were already a hardcore birther and just looking for confirmation bias….

    Compounding the doubts about Obama’s “natural born Citizen” status is the fact that highly-placed Kenyan officials claim that he was born there. Several African newspapers reported it as fact long before the 2008 presidential election, and a British newspaper reported it recently.

    Even left-leaning commentator Chris Mathews stated that Obama was born in a foreign country.

    Not one U.S. hospital claims the birth of the “first black president.” Why not?

    Why won’t Dr. Fukino and Janice Okubo provide index data to support the public statements they have made about Obama’s birth records? Why won’t Governor Lingle, who claimed several months ago that Obama was born at Kapiolani Medical Center? Why do reports exist which state that he was born at Queens Medical Center from the time when he was a senator? Why won’t Kapiolani verify Lingle’s claim? Why did Kapiolani publish an electronic “letter” from Obama stating his birthplace there but remove it when confronted? Why has the media previously reported that Obama was born in two different hospitals? Moreover, Obama’s minions refuse to answer the question, or are unable to.

    What the mainstream media fails to report is that there are five different ways for a person to obtain a Certification of Live Birth from the Hawaii Department of Health, including as an adult. Particularly in the 1960s when there were numerous immigrants coming in to the new state, a child born in a foreign country could have been registered with the Health Department based on the statement of a relative with no supporting documentation required.

    A very detailed report written by Dr. Ron Polland claims that the “document” originally published by Politifact, Factcheck and Daily KOS was a forgery.”

    And then to compound things by referencing unsubstantiated comments, stating their opinion of the law without referencing the actual law, and most of all referencing the debunked and eviserated crap that Polarik wrote as some sort of real research….Amazing….

    “Mario Apuzzo, who has a background in citizenship law, describes a “natural born Citizen” as one born in the country to two citizen parents based on the writings of Emmerich de Vattel, whose work provided a framework for the U.S. Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution.

    The Post & Email seeks the truth about Obama’s birth, his childhood, on what passport he traveled when he visited Pakistan in 1981, his allegiance, and whether or not, given all of the questions which he has refused to answer, he qualifies as an Article II, Section 1, paragraph 5 “natural born Citizen.”

    It is doubtful that the Hawaii Department of Health can address all of these questions. However, it is obvious that they have agreed to hide Obama’s records from the American people for an unknown reason behind their state’s privacy laws. There has been no other occupant of the White House, the people’s house, who has denied the public access to his personal records.

    Why the Hawaii Health Department and others continue to protect Obama should be the question on every single American’s mind as an 18-year Army medical doctor faces court martial over their obfuscation and lies.”

    This is funniest piece of fiction that the Post and Fail has ever produced. The amount of lies and innuendo would have made the old USSR proud. And the Mario reference with his failed court cases and unsubstantiated legal “analysis”, pure comedy. I think Rondeau should take her comedic writing on the road.

    And look who shows up in the comments….Not much of a surprise….

    nc1 says:
    Monday, August 9, 2010 at 3:53 AM
    The AP story was posted here as well:

    In the AP article Okubo offered to sell the index data for year 1961 to anyone willing to pay $98.

    She admitted that birth index data contains the year of birth. It contradicts the earlier response from DoH. Why did they provide index data without specifying Obama’s year of birth in their original response?

    What other part(s) of birth index data have they refused to release to public?
    Why do they hide the registration number?

    Later on Rondeau writes….

    Mrs. Rondeau replies: The Post & Email has requested information from the DOH, but not Obama’s birth certificate. It appears to me that the AP, like the rest of the mainstream media, is participating in a disinformation campaign to make it appear that people are asking for something that they know they cannot obtain. We are not. Okubo is a story-teller who will one day be exposed for the tales she has spun. Why hasn’t she challenged Dr. Polland’s video which claims that her COLB was used to create Obama’s? That is a very serious charge, yet she has not refuted it.

    And a Polarik supporter….I guess they do exist….

    SapphireSunday says:
    Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 11:45 AM
    Why hasn’t she refuted Dr. Polland’s “very serious” charges? That’s an excellent point.

    Imho, it’s because she cannot or dare not. Polland is quite direct in his accusations. If the subject of his accusations were innocent, one would expect the person to defend his or her honor.

    There are laws against libel and slander, except that the person making the accusation has to know that the accusation is false. Am I right?

    In Dr. Polland’s case, he’s pretty confident that he’s right and I also believe that he’s correct. If they dared to challenge him, either in the press or in the courts, then in the first instance–the press–he’d be able to present his case to a wider audience, which they certainly don’t want. In the second case–the courts–he’d be allowed discovery and they would have to prove that what he says is false. And that he knew that it was false. They most certainly don’t want that, either. The facts aren’t in their favor.

    As stated by T. Diane Cejka, Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, in a letter to Mr. Kenneth Allen explaining redactions from Lolo Soetoro’s files: “In deciding the disclosure disposition of those documents containing personal details lifted from the lives of private individuals, the documents were closely scrutinized in an effort to identify any public benefit to be gained from their disclosure. It was ultimately determined that no discernable public gain would be achieved from the disclosure of the information subject to this review. On the other hand, the potential private harm that could be suffered as a result of the release of this information was found not only to be tangible, but also SIGNIFICANT AND REASONABLY PROBABLE [emphasis added throughout quote]. In the case of these documents, the potential PRIVATE HARM stemming from their release was determined to clearly outweigh the TOTAL absence of any public benefit to be gained from such disclosure. Consistent with this analysis, it has been concluded that the release of the subject information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of the individual(s) to whom it pertains. The USCIS, therefore, must deny your request for access to this information under the authority of FOIA exemption (b)(6).”

    The redacted pages were Lolo’s tax returns, wage statements, and evidence concerning the citizenship status of “applicant’s” step-child. That is the only person mentioned in these documents who remains alive. Therefore, something within those papers would most definitely cause “significant and reasonably probable” harm to that individual, who it seems is being protected by persons within his own administration.

  22. Sef says:

    Black Lion: “Why do I have to see Democrats as my enemies?”

    If Reps see Democrats as their enemies then they see the majority of American registered voters as their enemy.

  23. Ellid says:

    Sharon Rondeau has been freebasing whatever it is she uses to oil her harp. What a dishonest, bigoted, traitor. How dare she!

    And oh, if NC or another of Sharon Rondeau’s little buddies is reading this? I’m MORE than willing to take on her and her treasonous little friends if she’d only take off the moderation on her revolting rag’s web site. What’s she afraid of, the truth? Or that her hatred for non-whites (which is rich, considering that a generation ago SHE would have been considered a filthy immigrant from Canada coming down to pollute the good Yankee stock of Connecticut) that strong?

    Come on, Sharon. Show some courage. Or are you just another right-winger who prefers to foment sedition?

  24. HORUS says:

    I cannot post this link enough because although it is comedic, it is a look at the psyche of the people who believe these conspiracy theories.


  25. HORUS says:

    I’m surprised that Lupica doesn’t know how to spell ad-homonym and homonym.

  26. Jim in Indiana says:

    This is something that’s been bugging me. Although there’s no chance anyone’s going to pass a Constitutional amendment changing the definition of citizenship to requiring citizen parents, it would make proving citizenship difficult for those of us whose ancestors have been in the country a while. With a one-citizen-parent rule it would be difficult, with a two-citizen-parent rule almost impossible. For immigrant ancestors you’d have to find evidence of their naturalization, but before 1906 naturalization could take place in any court — federal, state, or local — and records were not sent to any federal agency, they were just filed in the court. And if you start making citizenship depend on ancestry who also open the question of what’s the basis of citizenship for people descended from slaves. I haven’t seen frinstance text of a proposed amendment, but if it said everyone born here before today is a citizen, it would remove these problems, but also make quite manifest the hypocrisy of the whole thing.

    I agree, and go one step further. If the only way you can be a citizen is to have two citizen parents, then all immigrants who have passed the Naturalization test (example, TV’s Craig Ferguson, known for his “It’s a great day for America!”), cannot be citizens. That would be stupid. If we go retroactive on this, then count me out, since my grandparents were all born in Europe and came here and earned their citizenship, per law. Even if the parents are here illegally, their kids will be punished and have their citizenship removed or denied? That’s ridiculous! Let’s start out with our Founding Fathers, none of whom were born to citizens of the USA, since it didn’t exist until they founded the first government after writing the Constitution. This whole concept is totally warped!

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