Can birthers be elected?

It appears that there is some doubt in their minds as yet another Obama denialist backtracks. The latest in a steady stream of retractions and clarifications comes from former U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg from Michigan as reported in the Michigan Messenger.

When asked this morning on a Battle Creek radio show whether President Obama was born in America, and if he believed the president is Muslim, former U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg said he didn’t know.

“We don’t have enough information about this president,” said Walberg, the Republican candidate who is challenging U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer, D, Battle Creek. Walberg was congressman before Schauer defeated him in 2008. Also today, the Schauer campaign released results of an internal poll that give Schauer a slight lead over Walberg.

Democrats have been quick to paint those who make such statements as “extreme” and the Schauer campaign is no exception. Unwilling to take the heat Walberg issued this statement:

“The issue is that President Obama is not doing what our nation needs to prosper,” Walberg wrote in the statement. “I take the president at his word that he’s a Christian and he’s certainly an American citizen and my president.”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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2 Responses to Can birthers be elected?

  1. Steve says:

    I wonder how much that town hall meeting last year with that crazy woman had to do with Castle’s defeat in the primary?

  2. Black Lion says:

    I think it would be tough…Especially when they advertise in this way….

    “Brian Wooley a Republican candidate for Mayor in Shrevesport, Louisiana is causing controversy with a flier he has been dispersing in African-American neighborhoods, the Shrevesport Times reports.

    At issue is a “Freedom Rally” event purportedly sponsored by mayoral candidate Bryan Wooley. The rally, which appears to have happened on Wednesday and Thursday, featured free chicken and limo rides to early voting polls to residents of Shreveport’s Cooper Road area also known at the Martin Luther King neighborhood.

    Copies of a flyer advertising the event were posted on Facebook and have generated considerable comment from the social network’s Shreveport users.”

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