Phil Berg Birth Certificate, Eligibility, Obama Care Rally this Saturday

I wish I could make it to DC on the 23rd just to document the turnout. No doubt the turnout for  Phil Berg’s Obama Birth Certificate, Eligibility, Obama Care Rally will be vastly over reported.

In the promotional YouTube Video (link below), Berg claims that the birth certificate posted by the Obama Campaign in 2008 “is not a birth certificate.” Well it says “Certification of Life Birth” and down at the bottom it says “this certificate.” How much more certificateness does Berg want?

The answer is in the video, where Berg says:

Berg's criteria for a "real birth certificate."

I would point out that no one has ever produced a Hawaiian birth certificate of any vintage that has the baby’s weight and length. That information is part of the medical information submitted with a birth, but not part of the legal certificate itself. Perhaps some jurisdictions may add such information, and a hospital souvenir certificate (not valid for legal purposes) likely has it. But Hawaiian birth certificates have not in the past and do not now contain these items. This just points out that Berg is largely ignorant about what he’s talking about.

But here it is from the horse’s

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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46 Responses to Phil Berg Birth Certificate, Eligibility, Obama Care Rally this Saturday


    I think this is one of these events that FAUX will report truthfully about. They have consistently pooh-poohed this issue. They might mention it occasionally but usually do with a healthy dose of skepticism.

  2. Jack says:

    Phil Berg has really aged. He looks a 100 years old.

    [Hi Jack. Say hi to James, John, Allen, Robert, David, Paul and Tim for me. Doc]

  3. Ouch! says:

    A Hawaiian certificate of live birth issued in the year 2010 does not have the weight and length but they do have the doctor, doctor signature and birth hospital.

    Confirmed: Hawaii Department of Health Can Issue a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth AKA Long-Form Birth Certificate; Obama Got $10.00!?


    Well, well, well, what do you know. A birther lawyer who doesn’t know how to read a law. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Ԥ338-13 Certified copies.

    (b) Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18.’


    …the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.


    I’m not going to feed the troll. I’m already 20 bucks in the hole. 🙁

  7. richCares says:

    I’d say the care workers in charge of Ouch were complacent in allowing his escape from the insane asylum. Somehow Ouch managed to get out of his straight jacket. He should be reminded that trolling willl make it easier for the asylum to locate and return him to his padded cell.

  8. gorefan says:

    Ouch!: A Hawaiian certificate of live birth issued in the year 2010 does not have the weight and length but they do have the doctor, doctor signature and birth hospital.

    Say Ouch – why does this so called BC not have a current date issued stamp, like other Hawiian BC?

    Why is there no signature from the current registrar?

    Why is there no statement confirming that this is a legal copy of information held by the DOH?

    Why no raised seal?

    Why does this BC look suspiciously like the one that was post last spring?

    Looks like you might have been had.

    ouch that has got to hurt. Now really LAYNWY

  9. Daniel says:

    “No doubt the turnout for Phil Berg’s Obama Birth Certificate, Eligibility, Obama Care Rally will be vastly over reported.”

    You mean like Dr. Kate’s Lakin Rally? She was perfectly happy to allow it to be reported all over Birferstan as being 50,000 attendees, when eye witness pegged the number at roughly…. closer to… best estimate…. quick guess… 3 people total.

  10. Hawaiiborn says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: …the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth.When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.

    As of October 2008, they have changed the name from “Certification of Live Birth” to Certificate of Live Birth.

    Doc has posted my 2010 request of m COLB here and made note of the change in title.

  11. Hawaiiborn says:

    Ouch!: A Hawaiian certificate of live birth issued in the year 2010 does not have the weight and length but they do have the doctor, doctor signature and birth hospital.
    Confirmed: Hawaii Department of Health Can Issue a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth AKA Long-Form Birth Certificate; Obama Got $10.00!?

    You do realise what you posted is a fake right?

  12. Ouch!: Confirmed: Hawaii Department of Health Can Issue a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth AKA Long-Form Birth Certificate; Obama Got $10.00!?

    While I have never said it’s impossible to get a certified photocopy of the original Certificate of Live Birth, what exactly is there in the document being passed around that would lead one to think it was issued recently? I you seem to be rather confident, but I don’t understand why.

  13. Black Lion says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: I’m not going to feed the troll. I’m already 20 bucks in the hole.

    Fut, all you need to know about the troll is found in this paragraph from his so called article…

    “Most of us that researched all of the evidence on this issue know that Obama can’t release a long-form Certificate of Live Birth because the Hawaii DoH does not have a hospital generated vital record for Obama to produce the Certificate of Live Birth. What is most likely on file at the HDoH is an ACT 96 type affidavit. Any child could have obtained the same type short-form COLB under the Hawaii ACT 96 program, in effect at the time of Obama’s birth, which also allowed FOREIGN BORN children to obtain a Hawaiian COLB.”

    The amount of falsehoods in that one paragraph is astounding….If birtherism wasn’t a lucrative business, I would wonder what they continue to make themselves look stupid…

  14. NbC says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: While I have never said it’s impossible to get a certified photocopy of the original Certificate of Live Birth, what exactly is there in the document being passed around that would lead one to think it was issued recently? I you seem to be rather confident, but I don’t understand why.

    Excellent point… And Danae is not going to be helpful here, as she claims that she somehow got the certificate, printed on white paper, no raised seal, no signature, no date stamp.

    That, my friend, does not make sense… That Danae refuses so far to show a photograph taken with for instance the iPhone she used to photograph the bottom of the long form in early 2010, only complicates matters.

    That it took me 10 minutes to produce a look alike document starting from a 2009 picture of the same document, with the background and staple removed adds to the complications…

    How come that birthers have no interest in exploring the facts further?… That has caused them many an embarrassing revelation. Remember the Kenya BC?

  15. NbC: And Danae is not going to be helpful here, as she claims that she somehow got the certificate, printed on white paper, no raised seal, no signature, no date stamp.

    This does not particularly trouble me. I know personally of one jurisdiction that will not give you a long form on security paper but will print an uncertified plain-paper copy. I find the story plausible enough.

    There are just two issues I have.

    1) As NBC points out, the image is not dated and could have been easily faked. That is, there is no reason to believe the claims made for it. It lacks both internal and external authentication (whereas the Obama COLB has both).

    2) The document offered is not real birth certificate. It is, at best, a photocopy of a birth certificate. It is as if you tried to pass off a photocopy of your driver’s license as a driver’s license. The fact that it is on plain paper is consistent with Hawaii’s statement that they no longer issue long-form birth certificates, because while this is a copy of the original certificate, it is not a birth certificate itself.

    Without any doubt however, if Barack Obama were to issue a document like this, not on security paper, not signed, not dated, not sealed, the birthers would not accept it.

  16. NBC says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: This does not particularly trouble me. I know personally of one jurisdiction that will not give you a long form on security paper but will print an uncertified plain-paper copy. I find the story plausible enough.

    you’re the expert… I was assuming that such a document would be too easy to manipulate and turn into a fake birth certificate.

    your conclusion is valid though, noone would accept Obama’s long form if printed on plain paper with no further evidence of certification.

  17. NBC says:

    I discuss the so called Act 96 program which is to provide for certificates of Hawaiian Birth. Note that Obama’s birth certificate is NOT a certificate of Hawaiian birth.

    You can convert one into a birth certificate which becomes a late filing birth certificate. No such evidence exists for Obama.

    c. If a child born in Hawaii, for whom no physician or mid wife filed a certificate of live birth, and for whom no Delayed Certificate was filed before the first birthday, then a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth could be issued upon testimony of an adult including the subject person) if the Lieutenant Governor was satisfied that a person was born in Hawaii, provided that the person had attained the age of one year. (See Section 57-40 of the Territorial Public Health Statistics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii which was in effect in 1961).

    We know from the Index data and the COLB that Obama had not attained the age of one year.

    Act 96 has no relevance…

    Black Lion: “Most of us that researched all of the evidence on this issue know that Obama can’t release a long-form Certificate of Live Birth because the Hawaii DoH does not have a hospital generated vital record for Obama to produce the Certificate of Live Birth. What is most likely on file at the HDoH is an ACT 96 type affidavit. Any child could have obtained the same type short-form COLB under the Hawaii ACT 96 program, in effect at the time of Obama’s birth, which also allowed FOREIGN BORN children to obtain a Hawaiian COLB.”

  18. Black Lion says:

    More eligibility nonsense in an article over at the Post and Fail by Mikki Booth…Transacripts of the fake manning trial where Manning is interviewing some guy to prove that Obama did not attend Columbia….

    One has to think that if this testimony is to be believed, then it’s the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. Indeed, Obama has become the most powerful man on earth and there are elements in his rise to power that must be safeguarded at all cost.

    I’m reminded of the film “A Few Good Men.” The JAG officer played by Tom Cruise says he wants the truth and is told by the Jack Nicholson character, “You can’t handle the truth!” I believe the “powers that be” think the truth coming out will result in race riots and civil unrest, but in actuality they are the very ones perpetuating the lie that keeps the truth from the American public and protects Obama’s true identity.

    Tick, tock, triple lock!

    His records are court sealed.

    His records are Executive Order sealed.

    His records are CIA sealed.

    If Obama wasn’t at Columbia in 1982-83, where was he? And what’s the real scoop about Gov. Lingle and the Hawai’i Department of Health?


    Manning: So now, when you attended Union Theological Seminary, you took courses at Columbia. You were registered through Columbia’s program. And vice versa. Students from Columbia took courses at Union Theological Seminary.

    Jones: Sure.

    Manning: Now, Mr. Obama alleges that he attended Columbia University from 1981 to 1983. Did — was James Cone a professor consistently at Union Theological Seminary, and in conjunction with Columbia University, from 1981 to 1983?

    Jones: Yes.

    Manning: Was Cornel West a professor of theology and philosophy at Union Theological Seminary, and a conjunction program that he could have had with Columbia here 1981 to 1983?

    Jones: Yes.

    Manning: Now, in your own estimation, is it plausible that a young black student at Columbia University would spend two years at Columbia in political science and never have an interview or take a class with the most esteemed black professor — or, the two most esteemed black professors in America at the time? Is it plausible that a political science major who was allegedly black would fail to interact in any way if they are attending the school where those professors are teaching? Is that plausible?

    Jones: It would — it’s very implausible, particularly when you look at what Obama says his mindset was at the time. He says that he was trying to get in touch with his sense of blackness. He was finding himself. And he was also — he claims that he was — he was concerned, and involved with social issues.

    Not to have any interaction — and Cone never says that he ever met the man. West never — you know, there’s no claim anywhere by West that he ever met the man. And you kind of remember something like that, someone, years later, running for President. Never met him. And Obama never makes the claim in any of his works that he ever interacted with, or even knew these men. So it’s —

    And the other thing about it is that the church that he attended in Chicago, that’s all that was, was with Wright — Jeremiah Wright. That’s all that was, was Conian.

    Manning: Yes. There are two — there is Dr. Dwight Hopkins, who was a classmate of mine at Union, and yours as well, under the PhD program —

    Jones: Yeah, I know Dwight.

    Manning: — who is now a leader at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago —

    Jones: Right.

    Manning: — who studied — in fact, he was Cone’s student, who guided him through the PhD program, the doctoral program. And also, Jeremiah Wright, who was not a student at Union, but certainly, a deep and compassionate follower of the teachings of James Cone.

    But Obama, who became a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ, has never mentioned once that he ever had any interaction with such esteemed persons as James Cone or Cornel West, and there’s never – – there’s not any record, there’s nothing written in any book, there’s no class roster, where these two ever came in contact with one another, though Obama was at Columbia and essentially at Union for two years.

    Jones: Well, he says he was at Columbia.

    Manning: Oh, okay.

    Jones: But — no, that would be highly unlikely. I read the materials in Ohio, and I went to see these men, to question them before I was even in a theological program. What’s more significant is that they never mention him. Or what’s just as significant is that they have no knowledge of him.

  19. NBC says:

    I have documented that there exists no certificate of hawaiian birth for President Obama, thanks to P&E

    Another one bites the dust.

  20. NBC says:

    NBC: Manning: Now, in your own estimation, is it plausible that a young black student at Columbia University would spend two years at Columbia in political science and never have an interview or take a class with the most esteemed black professor — or, the two most esteemed black professors in America at the time? Is it plausible that a political science major who was allegedly black would fail to interact in any way if they are attending the school where those professors are teaching? Is that plausible?

    Sure, President Obama’s focus was on political science not theology and philosophy. Why are they ignoring all the evidence that shows President Obama did attend Columbia? Mind boggling…

  21. NBC says:

    It’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’t

    James Cone is seen as the mentor of Jeremiah Wright and a powerful voice in Black Liberation Theology.

    Know him and you are an extremist, don’t know him and you never attended Columbia… Fools.

  22. Black Lion says:

    NBC: It’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’tJames Cone is seen as the mentor of Jeremiah Wright and a powerful voice in Black Liberation Theology.Know him and you are an extremist, don’t know him and you never attended Columbia… Fools.

    Good point…The amount of hate that it takes for one to ignore the evidence is astounding. I had a debate over at GW regarding this same issue. When I pointed out the article that Obama’s professor wrote that said he was a excellent student the person countered “then were are the students from that class and why haven’t they confirmed this”…Amazing. No matter what evidence is submitted, they will find a way to attempt to discredit it…

  23. Daniel says:

    Black Lion: More eligibility nonsense in an article over at the Post and Fail by Mikki Booth…Transacripts of the fake manning trial where Manning is interviewing some guy to prove that Obama did not attend Columbia….

    What I find consistent in all the Manning drivel, and indeed all the Birther drivel, is the delusional assumption that “shoulda-woulda-coulda” speculation is sufficient to override actual material evidence.

  24. Sef says:

    This Manning transcript is akin to the following:
    “Manning: Did you live in the United States during the years 1981 to 1983?
    Witness: Yes.
    Manning: Did you ever meet Barack Obama during that period?
    Witness: No.
    Manning: Then isn’t it fair to say that Obama was not in the United States from 1981 to 1983?
    Witness: Yes.”

  25. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The document offered is not real birth certificate. It is, at best, a photocopy of a birth certificate.

    This is Danae current explaination at fr. That when she talked to Dr. Onaka, he asked her whether she wanted a certified or non-certified copy. She said “I don’t know”. Because she didn’t know what type the “organization” she was going to send it to need. And she figured she could always call him back and get a certified copy. So he sent her a non-certified copy. Now, the story could be true, but…

    If some organization or employer you were going to work with, asked you for a copy of your BC, wouldn’t your first inclination be to give them a certified copy. She has copy of her BC, she posted in on-line. If all she needed was a xerox copy, why not use that? It’s not like she wouldn’t know the difference. She has benn involved in the BC debate for over a year, written articles about, knows about the issue of no raised seal and no signatures. It just seems very strange that she of all people wouldn’t want a certified copy.

    Also in her original postings, she never mentioned talking to Dr. Onaka, himself. She originally said she talked to the “HDOH”. Now, as a birther wouldn’t talking directly to Dr.O be kind of a big deal. Especially, if he was the one that was sending you the copy of your BC. She only added his name to her story recently.

    Could her story be straight? Sure, but there are somethings that just don’t make sense.

    “A guys got seventeen pantomimes. A woman’s got twenty, but a guy’s got seventeen… but, if you know them, like you know your own face, they beat lie detectors all to hell. Now, what we got here is a little game of show and tell. You don’t wanna show me nothin’, but you’re tellin me everything.


    Black Lion:
    Fut, all you need to know about the troll is found in this paragraph from his so called article…“Most of us that researched all of the evidence on this issue know that Obama can’t release a long-form Certificate of Live Birth because the Hawaii DoH does not have a hospital generated vital record for Obama to produce the Certificate of Live Birth. What is most likely on file at the HDoH is an ACT 96 type affidavit. Any child could have obtained the same type short-form COLB under the Hawaii ACT 96 program, in effect at the time of Obama’s birth, which also allowed FOREIGN BORN children to obtain a Hawaiian COLB.”The amount of falsehoods in that one paragraph is astounding….If birtherism wasn’t a lucrative business, I would wonder what they continue to make themselves look stupid…

    Thanks for that, Lion. I have ceased following their links long ago because it always ends up being another lie to cover for their initial lie.

  27. Tarrant says:

    I’m always amazed when birthers talk about how it’s “stunning” that his college professors, doctors/nurses at birth, etc. aren’t parroting how “They were there” and “I taught that guy!” and that somehow that fact “proves” that Obama
    wasn’t born here or went to school.

    I taught electrical engineering for many years. There is only the most minimal handful of students that I remember the faces of, and of those, a smaller fraction whose names I would recognize or recall at all. And I only stopped teaching there five years ago. If any of the students I taught over those years save perhaps two or three won the Nobel Prize tomorrow I probably wouldn’t remember them. Now fast forward and say they became President in twenty years. I’d remember NOTHING about them.

    Same thing with a doctor. “Why isn’t the doctor saying ‘Wow I delivered Obama!'” they say. Leaving out the fact he could easily be deceased, it’s the same issue – for the doctor it’s a job. They delivered hundreds of babies a year and why would they remember ANY of them? They probably don’t remember the one they delivered YESTERDAY, forget decades ago.

    Drives me crazy.

  28. katahdin says:

    Interestingly, I was actually living in New York City in 1983, in Morningside Heights, which is the neighborhood that includes Columbia University.
    And I never met Barack Obama! That must mean he was out of the country.
    Of course, I also never met almost all of the 300,000-odd people living in that area. I guess they were also in Pakistan, fighting the commies.

  29. richCares says:

    it’s 12:22 on Sat 23rd and the fourth birther just showed up. it’s a very costly rally about $5,000 per attendee

  30. richCares: it’s 12:22 on Sat 23rd and the fourth birther just showed up. it’s a very costly rally about $5,000 per attendee

    Maybe Berg is staying in the “presidential suite”.

  31. Sef says:

    Tarrant: Same thing with a doctor. “Why isn’t the doctor saying ‘Wow I delivered Obama!’” they say. Leaving out the fact he could easily be deceased, it’s the same issue – for the doctor it’s a job. They delivered hundreds of babies a year and why would they remember ANY of them? They probably don’t remember the one they delivered YESTERDAY, forget decades ago.

    Well, there is that little “Stanley had a baby” quote from the doctor.

  32. AnotherBird says:

    gorefan: If some organization or employer you were going to work with, asked you for a copy of your BC, wouldn’t your first inclination be to give them a certified copy. She has copy of her BC, she posted in on-line. If all she needed was a xerox copy, why not use that? It’s not like she wouldn’t know the difference. She has benn involved in the BC debate for over a year, written articles about, knows about the issue of no raised seal and no signatures. It just seems very strange that she of all people wouldn’t want a certified copy.

    I am still scratching my head on Danae’s reasoning. She has both the “original” birth certificate and another one that looks “exactly” like Obama’s. The “original” isn’t in that bad of a condition so what is her reasoning for getting a photo copy of her “original” birth certificate?

  33. gorefan says:

    AnotherBird: The “original” isn’t in that bad of a condition so what is her reasoning for getting a photo copy of her “original” birth certificate?

    My speculation is simple. She is a birther, and as such she would have done anything to get her hands on a certified long form BC from Hawaii issued this year. I think that’s what she asked for, pleaded for, cajoled for but finally had to settled for the “xerox” BC.

    In her first post, as she makeing her grand reveal, she said she would have posted it sooner but was too busy. While that may be true, I suspect she was embarassed by the quality of what she received and knew that it would be met with skepticism. Apparently, she had a run in with “Dr. Polland” about something she posted earlier. And of course, she knew, as a birther, that she would never have accepted anything like this from President Obama.

  34. Arthur says:

    Regarding Mr. Berg’s epic fail (or as Berg calls it in his ungrammatical press release, “the most important Rally in history as Obama is an imposter, a fraud, a phony and Obama has put forth the greatest “HOAX” in the history of our country, over 234 years”), I was tickled by the pride he took in alerting us that “a billboard advertising the Rally is located at Exit #42 at Maumelle, Arkansas.” A single billboard in Arkansas advertising a trivial dust up in Washington? As we say on the internets: Laffoutloud.

    By the by, Maumelle is a “master-planned community” just north of Little Rock. While the percentage of African Americans in Arkansas is just under 16%, the percentage in Maumelle is just under 5%. I guess that makes it a “massa-planned community” and helps explain why the billboard was located there.

    WND reports that Berg was disappointed in the small turnout for his rally, estimated by Berg to be a couple of hundred people. However Berg put a positive spin on things: “The feedback we received was that the attendees are going to go back and spread the word. Groups of six or so are planning to get together at intersections with signs that read, ‘Where’s the birth certificate?’ At rush hour, those six people can get the message out to thousands.”

    Yes, they can, Phil. Yes they can. Now take you meds and get back into bed.

  35. Rickey says:

    A blogger at a site called America’s Independent Party wrote “The turnout overall was pretty slim.”

    And it was a beautiful fall day.

  36. DCH says:

    There is a set of videos up from Phil on You Tube.

    At best a few dozen birfers showed up.

    Berg was unable to get a crowd big enough at any point to be worth photographing and using to support even a claim of a few hundred.

    They taped the event and put it up on Youtube in a six part 6 video.

    The camera lens is never panned all the way around to reveal the lack of an audience. It swings between the empty stage with Berg and a mic set up for questions. At no point is a crowd image captured. There are random people walikng past and sitting on a wall around in the background paying no attention to Berg.

  37. misha says:

    Arthur: Now take you meds and get back into bed.

    “Nurse, Mr. Berg got out of his restraints again.”

  38. misha says:

    Arthur: I guess that makes it a “massa-planned community” and helps explain why the billboard was located there.

    You haven’t seen anything, until you’ve seen Kingdom City in Missouri. Black residents? Ha, I’ll bet there isn’t anyone Jewish for 100 miles.

  39. Bovril says:

    Panoramic 360 view starts at 2:50

    Looks to be less than 60 and some of them are passersby going WTF.

    Special sneak peek at about 30 seconds in….CAPTAIN AMERICA….standing behind Berg holding the flag…..Too precious…8-)

  40. JoZeppy says:

    About 4 minutes of his “I believe”s (of couse with no evidence provided why he does believe these rather silly assertions) was about all I could take.

  41. JoZeppy says:

    Bovril: Panoramic 360 view starts at 2:50 to be less than 60 and some of them are passersby going WTF.Special sneak peek at about 30 seconds in….CAPTAIN AMERICA….standing behind Berg holding the flag…..Too precious…8-)

    I did a rough count during the panoramic….counted less than 100 (maybe 70?).

  42. Bovril says:

    General consensus seems high 50’s/low 60’s when you subtract the band and the people just gawking at the loons…..

  43. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    JoZeppy: I did a rough count during the panoramic….counted less than 100 (maybe 70?).

    I heard they joined up with a tour group to try to inflate their numbers

  44. ASK Esq says:

    Being generous and giving him credit for triple digits, I guess it’s too bad he didn’t join forces with Dr. Kate. Then he would have had 103 in attendance.

    Also, does anyone know if Phil’s claim of “a couple of hundred” people is counting every sock puppet individually?

  45. gwen says:

    I have an old Hawaii ‘long form’ and it doesn’t have my length, weight or OFC! I’m feeling gypped! It DOES have my parents race and home address on it as well as the name of the hospital where I was born, the birth places of my parents and a doctor’s signature. AND a seal.

  46. Majority Will says:

    ASK Esq: . . . counting every sock puppet individually

    There were a lot of “voices” in that little bunch of bigots.

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