Search Results for: chester arthur

CBS Sunday Morning to air segment on Chester A. Arthur’s brush with birtherism in the 19th century

CBS notes that tomorrow (November 4) it will air a segment titled: “THE PRESIDENCY: Chester A. Arthur, the original ‘birther’ target: Was the 21st President of the United States actually born in Canada?” Mo Rocca investigates. Recall that George Washington … Continue reading

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Chester A. Arthur: Rest In Peace

President Chester A. Arthur was born, like President Barack H. Obama, in one of the United States of American to an American mother and a father who was a British citizen. One might wonder, if there is this historical precedent, … Continue reading

Posted in Chester A. Arthur, Citizenship | Tagged , , , , | 166 Comments

The Assassination of Chester A. Arthur

Obama fringe beliefs center around the meaning of “natural born citizen” (a qualification for the presidency in Article 2 of the U. S. Constitution). One such theory says Barack Obama can’t be president because his father was a British citizen, … Continue reading

Posted in Chester A. Arthur, Citizenship, Leo Donofrio, Smears | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Definitive Biography of Chester A. Arthur

Leo C. Donofrio says on his Natural Born Citizen web site that he worked with the author of Chester Alan Arthur by Greg Dehler. I found a  review on by J. Hughes. It’s presented here as a bit of … Continue reading

Posted in Chester A. Arthur, Research Notes, Smears | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Arthur Research Notes

From Decisions of Destiny by Richard L. Tobin, The World Publishing Company It is conceivable that Chester Alan Arthur was not only an accident in the Presidency but literally ineligible for the office. In 1884, the, year Arthur would have … Continue reading

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“Trump has gone Birther, again”

So says CBS News Chief White House Correspondent, Major Garrett. Backstage before a rally Tuesday night (Jan. 5) Trump said that legal challenges to Cruz’ eligibility by Democrats could tie him up in court for years. Trump: People are worried … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Cruz eligibility, Donald Trump | Tagged , , | 138 Comments