Here are some Obama Conspiracy topical videos:
Birth Certificate
- TV news interview with imaging expert Ken Colburn
- Obama discusses release of birth certificate on Oprah
David Manning
- Pastor Manning’s YouTube Channel (ATLAHWorldwide)
- Congress: Arrest Obama – Pastor Manning
- Mia Marie Pope interview
- Pastor Manning’s fake court gives Obama 90 days to resign
- Pastor Manning interviews Douglas Vogt in 2011
Humor and spoof
- Great moments in birthism – Epectitus
- Jon Stewart’s “The Born Identity”
- Obama admits: born on Krypton
- Rep. Pittman’s birther joke
- RC’s Zullo bunker spoof
- RC’s “Cold Case Posse Traitor Found”
- Obama’s birth in Kenya, on camera
- What Birther’s Believe
- ObamaSnippets YouTube Channel
Obama biography
- Classmate video showing Obama Yearbooks
- The Choice 2012 Frontline biography of Obama and Romney
- Barack Obama Made in Hawaii
- Obama says his name in 1991 (and it wasn’t Soetoro)
Orly Taitz
- Lawrence O’Donnell kicks Taitz off his show
- Pam Geller shouts down Orly Taitz
- Taitz claims she can have Obama out in 30 days (2009)
- Taitz on CNN
- Taitz takes her case to John Roberts
- Carl Swensson citizen grand jury in Georgia
- Inside Edition May 5/6 2008 on Indonesian school registration
- Theresa Cao interrupts Congress
- Foggy (Bill Bryan) address to the 2014 Fogbow Meetup in Philadelphia
- Barry Soetoro ESQ interview on Sandy Hook false flag conspiracy theory with Mike Shoesmith on PP Simmons YouTube channel