Articles are listed in order of date of publication.
My score for Barack Obama’s first year? A solid, satisfied B, January 1, 2010, North Country Public Radio. Avoiding scandal. A++. There’s a reason Republicans have had to gin up scandals over Obama’s birth certificate. By all accounts, he seems to be a decent, grounded family man, with a great wife and solid public ethics. That makes the other team squirm.
Tusk Editor’s Note: 12/30, January 1, 2010, Tuscaloosa (AL) News. “something called an Orly Taitz, which sounds awfully like an embarrassing medical condition.”
Paranoid style is in again, January 1, 2020, Toronto Globe and Mail. At the party’s meeting this month in Hawaii – which, at least if you believe what’s written on his birth certificate, is where Mr. Obama came into the world – Republicans will decide whether to impose a “purity test” on prospective candidates seeking the GOP nomination in the 2010 congressional elections. If adopted, those who fail to profess their faith in at least eight of 10 core beliefs would be deprived of RNC backing and money.
Reporters, gathering facts, checking them are vital to American society, January 2, 2010, The Erie (PA) Times-News. To preserve our history, we definitely need fact-checkers. Yes, they are human, and they do make errors, but when that occurs, respected newspapers and magazines print corrections or fire the reporter. As Ellen Goodman pointed out, “When was the last time an Internet birther ran a correction or lost his job?”
Glenn Beck’s great attack on birthers, January 6, 2010, The Kansas City Star. Give him credit when he deserves it: Normally paranoid Glenn Beck delivered both barrels Tuesday to the inane birther movement.
Cochran: New Year’s Resolutions to burn after reading, January 7, 2010, The Aurora (OH) Sentinel. … I fearlessly predict that if you ever doubted the birth certificate of Barack Obama, you are highly likely to doubt global warming.
White House confirms receipt of Nathan Deal letter questioning birthplace of Barack Obama, January 8, 2010, The Atlanta Journal Constitution. The White House on Thursday confirmed receipt of a letter from U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal that formally asks Barack Obama to address questions about his place of birth – and thus, whether he is qualified to be president.
Trentonian editorial: ‘Birther’ kooks — shocking details, January 8, 2010, The Trentonian. For it turns out that this founding father [Philip J. Berg] of the birther movement also believes that 9/11 was an inside job pulled off by our own government.
The Barack Obama Nationality Question Heats Up, January 9, 2010, The Barack Obama nationality scandal is refusing to burn itself out and seems to be gathering even more speed with Congressman Nathan Deal questioning the eligibility of Obama to hold the presidency.
Yes, It Would Be Different for a Republican, January 11, 2010, The New York Observer. No, not all (or even most) Republicans are closet racists. And plenty of Democrats are. But it is the G.O.P. that has willfully built its modern foundation on the lingering racial and cultural resentments of the South, not the Democrats.
Obama’s Presidential Eligibility Scandal? January 12, 2010, News. Having a legal background, I decided to do my own research to satisfy my curiosity and it became abundantly clear that legitimate questions existed and continue to exist.
Bill stems from Obama ‘birther’ controversy, January 12, 2010, The East Valley Tribune. If Barack Obama wants to run for re-election he would need to produce proof of both his U.S. birth and citizenship to get on the ballot in Arizona, at least under a measure being pushed by a state legislator.
New Voices: Forget ‘infotainment,’ let’s read for a change, January 16, 2010, The Orlando Sentinel. Conspiracy theories like this one have been promoted by Americans of every political stripe and would be quite humorous if there weren’t so much at stake.
Speaker challenges MLK Day audience to shake off complacency, January 18, 2010, The State Journal-Register (IL). “All we’re hearing is what’s wrong with him, and ‘Does he have a birth certificate?’’’ Brown said after the speech. “The far right has taken over the media conversation, and it’s not a conversation –” it’s a monologue.”
“Birther” Blogger Can’t Call for Grand Jury, Judge Rules, January 20, 2010. NBC Chicago. Meroni [aka Chalice Jackson] who initially filed the request in December alleging widespread voter fraud in Illinois. She said she was disappointed with Prather’s decision and intends to appeal.
Judge denies FRG [Fox River Grove] woman’s challenge to Obama’s citizenship, January 21, 2010. Northwest Herald (IL). … Prather told her Wednesday that there was no legal basis to allow such an appointment. She also said Meroni had not included any facts in her court filings last month to support her request.
Pundits agree: This is a golden age for people to have their say, January 21, 2010. Des Moines Register. He calls Glenn Beck “riveting but crazy.” It drives Begala nuts to see things like the “birther movement” gain traction on right-wing talk shows. And yet he’d still err on the side of too many views rather than too few.
Obama and fearmongers, January 21, 2010, The Salt Lake Tribune. But how many realize that 12 percent of Americans still believe Obama is Muslim, and 8 percent think his birth certificate is fake?… where are the mainstream media rebuttals and probing follow-up questions?
3 in 10 Californians identify with the Tea Party; a third still don’t believe Obama’s birth certificate, January 26, 2010, Los Angeles Times. …while two-thirds of Californians (67%) are satisfied that Obama was U.S.-born, fully one-third of the nation’s most populous state are not. In fact, 11% are certain that he’s a Constitution-violating foreigner and 22% are not sure.